Analytical-Intuitive Cognition Test
The cognitive style with which we process information varies between individuals in unique ways. Cognitive style represents our individual preference related to the gathering, processing, and evaluation of data, how we scan, organize and interpret it, and how those interpretations are integrated into mental models guiding our behavior. This test assesses how environmental stimuli are processed by measuring analytical vs. intuitive tendencies to deliver a result reflecting your personal cognitive style.
The Analytical-Intuitive Cognition Test is based on the Cognitive Style Index (CSI) authored by Allinson et al. at the Leeds University Business School as an instrument to assess cognitive features and learning styles in organizational settings.
Want to know your cognitive style? For each of the following questions, indicate how well it describes you below.
Question 1 of 38
Formal plans are more of a hindrance than a help in my work.
The Analytical-Intuitive Cognition Test is inspired by the Cognitive Style Index (CSI) authored by Allinson et al. at the Leeds University Business School. IDRlabs is not affiliated with either author or the Leeds University Business School or any other institution
The test provides feedback such as the following:
Intuitive: Denotes the tendency to often experience an unexplainable yet immediate sense of knowing. The intuitive individual may know the solution to an issue or understand a link between seemingly unrelated concepts or experiences without an obvious reason for making the connection. Intuitive individuals are comfortable taking action on the basis of the immediate sense of knowing without feeling compelled to analyze every element before making an assessment.
Quasi-Intuitive: Indicates a tendency to often experience unexplainable yet immediate ‘knowing without a reason’, making a notion or solution manifest outside conscious reflection. Quasi-Intuitive individuals may know a solution to a problem or understand how apparently unrelated ideas, concepts, or experiences are linked without knowing why. Compared to Intuitive individuals, Quasi-Intuitive individuals are often less confident about their intuitions and more conscious about basing their decision-making on their comprehension without analyzing aspects to reflect on their assessment.
Adaptive: Reflects a tendency to draw on both analytical and intuitive information processing without a strong preference for either processing mode. Adaptive individuals experience ‘knowing without knowing why’ but utilize both modes depending on whatever combination is deemed appropriate in a given situation in order to improve understanding and foundation for decision-making.
Quasi-Analyst: Represents a tendency to seek information in order to perform a conscious assessment using step-by-step logical analysis. Quasi-Analytical individuals are committed to rational evaluation yet inclined to pay attention to intuitions that help identify logical links between concepts or experiences to optimize decision-making.
Analyst: Denotes the tendency to evaluate problems by breaking the whole of the issue into its constituent parts in order to assess each aspect in detail. The Analytical individual gathers relevant information to identify connections between aspects and apply rule-based procedures using logical analysis. Analytical individuals reflect on their assessments before making decisions.
The Analytical-Intuitive Cognition Test is based on the Cognitive Style Index (CSI) authored by Allinson et al. at the Leeds University Business School. While the IDRlabs Analytical-Intuitive Cognition Test is based on the CSI, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or accurate evaluation of your personality. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.