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Animal Farm Test

Which Animal Farm character are you?

Step into the world of George Orwell’s iconic novella Animal Farm, a place where animals dream of a better future and strive for equality. Each character embodies unique qualities and values. This test will reveal which of these iconic characters you most closely resemble.

Which Animal Farm character are you? For each of the following questions, indicate how well it resonates with you below.

Question 1 of 35

I prefer to remain neutral or detached about most things that happen in life.



The IDRLabs Animal Farm Test is inspired by psychometric methodology and based on research into the characters in Animal Farm.

The test provides feedback such as the following:

Snowball, a bright and charismatic pig, is a key figure in the early days of Animal Farm. Known for his intelligence and passionate speeches, he plays a pivotal role in organizing the rebellion against the humans. Snowball is a fervent believer in Animalism and works tirelessly to improve the lives of the animals on the farm. He proposes innovative ideas, such as building a windmill to generate electricity, and encourages education and literacy among the animals. However, his idealism and eloquent speeches clash with Napoleon's more pragmatic and authoritarian approach, leading to a power struggle that ultimately results in Snowball's banishment from the farm.

Napoleon, a cunning and authoritarian pig in George Orwell's Animal Farm, embodies the archetype of a tyrannical leader. Initially appearing as a fellow revolutionary alongside Snowball, Napoleon gradually consolidates power through deceit and force. He employs propaganda to distort history and silence dissent, using his private army of dogs to instill fear and maintain control. As his grip tightens, Napoleon abandons the ideals of Animalism, reverting to the oppressive practices of the humans they once rebelled against. His transformation from a revolutionary to a dictator serves as a chilling allegory for the corruption of power and the dangers of unchecked authority.

Squealer, a persuasive and deceitful pig, is the master of propaganda on Animal Farm. He uses his silver tongue to twist the truth, manipulate language, and deceive the other animals into accepting Napoleon's increasingly tyrannical rule. Squealer's ability to distort history and rewrite the law to fit his own ends is unparalleled, making him a key figure in maintaining the pigs' power and suppressing dissent. His lack of conscience and unwavering loyalty to Napoleon make him the perfect tool for spreading misinformation and maintaining the illusion of a just and equitable society.

Boxer, a noble and hardworking carthorse, epitomizes the exploited working class. His unwavering loyalty to Animal Farm and his immense physical strength make him an invaluable asset to the revolution. However, his simplicity and unquestioning obedience to authority, symbolized by his mottos "I will work harder" and "Napoleon is always right," ultimately led to his tragic demise. Boxer's character serves as a poignant critique of the blind devotion and self-sacrifice that can be exploited by oppressive regimes.

Clover, a gentle and hardworking carthorse, is a loyal and compassionate figure in Animal Farm. She is fiercely devoted to the principles of Animalism and works tirelessly for the betterment of the farm. Clover's maternal instincts shine through as she cares for the other animals and protects the vulnerable. As the farm descends into tyranny, Clover's loyalty is tested. She begins to question the changes but lacks the power or knowledge to challenge the pigs' authority. Her unwavering faith in the principles of Animalism and her loyalty to the farm make her a poignant symbol of the working class's enduring hope and resilience.

Mollie, a white mare with a fondness for sugar and ribbons, embodies a lighthearted and self-focused personality. She values personal comfort, beauty, and enjoyment, often finding joy in adornments and simple pleasures. Her priorities differ from the collective goals of Animalism, as she struggles to embrace the sacrifices and discipline required by the revolution. Mollie’s reluctance to endure hardship reflects her desire for a carefree and indulgent lifestyle. Ultimately, her decision to leave the farm signifies her preference for individuality and ease over communal responsibility. While she does not share the same commitment to the cause as others, Mollie’s choices underscore her pursuit of happiness and comfort in her own unique way.

Benjamin, the wise old donkey in Animal Farm, is a character of quiet observation and unwavering cynicism. He is the oldest animal on the farm, possessing a deep understanding of life's harsh realities. While he can read, he rarely does, believing there's nothing worth knowing. Benjamin is a loyal friend to Boxer, the hardworking horse, and he witnesses the gradual corruption of the revolution with a sense of resigned acceptance. His skepticism and apparent indifference mask a keen awareness of the injustices taking place, though he rarely voices his concerns. Ultimately, Benjamin's character serves as a commentary on those who choose to remain silent in the face of oppression, highlighting the consequences of inaction.

The Animal Farm Test is inspired by research into relevant literature and methodological practices. While the Animal Farm quiz is inspired by fields of research, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or an accurate evaluation of your personality. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.

Animal Farm Test

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3. Made by professionals. The present test has been made with the input of people who work professionally in psychology and individual differences research.