8 Things That Are Wrong with Online Typology

List written by David Austin, edited and used with permission. Commentary by Ryan Smith. The scores and scores of fake Ni types. (“I sometimes know things. Therefore INTJ.”) Armchair “experts” who peddle wild home-grown definitions about their type and functions while having no real knowledge. (“Ni is very objective.”) The extreme pushback from aforementioned “experts” when[…] Continue Reading

An Aristotelian View of Personality Types

By Ryan Smith I once knew an INTJ. He was amongst the five best people I’ve ever known when it comes to determining other people’s types. For the most part, we were in complete agreement as to people’s types, but once in a while, in complex or atypical cases, we disagreed on how to operationalize or[…] Continue Reading

Drake Baer’s Lazy Critique of the MBTI

By Ryan Smith and Eva Gregersen Business Insider seems to be developing a penchant for publishing poorly researched articles about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Last September it was Professor Adam Grant’s critique of the MBTI which quoted unfaithfully from one of the scientific studies that it used as the basis of its argument. Now it is reporter Drake Baer who[…] Continue Reading

INTP and Kant’s Dialectics of Restraint

By Ryan Smith “[I] will assure to reason its lawful claims, and dismiss all groundless pretensions, not by despotic decrees, but in accordance with its own eternal and unalterable laws. This tribunal is no other than the critique of pure reason. … [I will critique] the faculty of reason in general … its extent, and its[…] Continue Reading

INTJ and Hegel’s Dialectics of Empowerment

By Ryan Smith “The true and positive meaning of the antinomies in Kant is this: That every actual thing involves a co-existence of opposed elements. Consequently to know, or in other words, to comprehend an object is equivalent to being conscious of it as a concrete unitary of opposed determinations.” – Hegel: Encyclopaedia of the[…] Continue Reading

Freud and Empedocles, Part 1

By Ryan Smith “No one can foresee in what guise the nucleus of truth contained in the theory of Empedocles will present itself to later understanding.” – Freud: Analysis Terminable and Interminable §6 Empedocles (ca. 490-430 BCE) is the earliest Western thinker to whom Freud ever referred.[1] Just as Heraclitus was Jung’s favorite pre-Socratic, so[…] Continue Reading

Criticism of Pauli’s Proposition…

By Kelley L. Ross, Ph.D. It was intriguing to read about Pauli’s relationship with Jung and his ideas about using Jung in physics. I’m not sure it works very well, which of course is Pauli’s problem, not that of the admins. Yet I have some criticisms: When you say: “As long as nobody’s looking, observing,[…] Continue Reading

The Psychological Aesthetics of INTJ (Essay Contest 1st Prize Winner)

This essay, “The Psychological Aesthetics of INTJ,” won 1st prize in the CelebrityTypes essay contest. The views and type assessments expressed in this essay represent the opinions of its author and not the editorial point of view of the site. Readers should also remember that “type portraits” can never apply to all members of a[…] Continue Reading

Ni, Si, and Self-Delusion (Essay Contest 3rd Prize Winner)

This essay, “Ni, Si, and Self-Delusion,” won 3rd prize in the CelebrityTypes essay contest. The views and type assessments expressed in this essay represent the opinions of its author and not the editorial point of view of the site. By Christian Vieweg In Jungian typology, Introverted Sensation (Si) and Introverted Intuition (Ni) represent the two[…] Continue Reading