Pauli’s Proposition for a Jungian Quantum Theory

By Ryan Smith “Einstein … [has] already showed the success in physics of a method which does not proceed from a knowledge of what things are in and by themselves. Einstein has repeatedly shown us that the physicist must learn to swim in a boundless sea of ideas. … [Ideas] which cannot be deduced from[…] Continue Reading

An Update on ‘Face Reading’ (2014)

By Eva Gregersen One of the current trends in Jungian typology is “face reading,” that is, the idea that people’s types can be determined by either their physical appearance or their eye movements or facial gestures. At CelebrityTypes, we have been roundly critical of “face reading” (here, here, here, and here). However, we have perhaps[…] Continue Reading

MBTI for Skeptics

By Ryan Smith, Eva Gregersen, and Sigurd Arild A number of common critiques of Jungian typology and the MBTI are often voiced in no uncertain terms by people who have comparatively little knowledge about these fields. In this article we purport to answer the most common of these critiques. CRITICISMS OF THE MBTI THAT ARE[…] Continue Reading

Jung’s Concept of Archetypes

By Ryan Smith and Sigurd Arild The current state of Jungian typology is such that Jungian concepts that do not directly relate to type are sometimes thrown around to spice up people’s experience and presentation of typology. In particular, Jung’s idea of archetypes is often mentioned in order to complement people’s understanding of type. However,[…] Continue Reading

Why Extroverts Identify as Introverts

By Eva Gregersen “It is chiefly extraverts who resent being called extraverts, as if it were a derogatory designation. I even know of a case where a famous extravert, having been called an extravert, challenged his opponent to a duel!” – C.G. Jung in a personal letter to R.L. Kroon While it is a fairly[…] Continue Reading

The Singer-Odajnyk Addition to Jung’s Typology

By Ryan Smith and Sigurd Arild This article requires Greek characters to be displayed on your screen. In 2012, the classical Jungian and former professor of political science V.W. Odajnyk published the book Archetype and Character (see our review here). In this book, Odajnyk proposes a new typology of four basic archetypes: Power, Love, Spirit,[…] Continue Reading

Gottman’s Theory of How to Make Your Relationship Last

By Ryan Smith When advising their clients on how to save a romantic relationship, lots of psychologists and psychotherapists still rely on random tidbits of conventional wisdom and generalities. But their advice is not science-based. John M. Gottman, who is both a mathematician and a psychologist, has used data to back up his study. There[…] Continue Reading

How to Listen like a Psychologist

By Ryan Smith When asked how good they are at interpersonal communication, most people think that they’re either good or about average. But in fact, if we could look at the whole of human communication from a psychologist’s perspective, it would soon become obvious that most people are abysmally bad at communicating with others. In[…] Continue Reading

Why Steve Jobs is ISTP

By Guilherme Varela with additions by Ryan Smith When assessing someone’s type we must be vigilant not to mistake the contents of their psychic functions for the psychic functions themselves. That is probably the number one mistake that is made by people who attempt to type by the functions. They view them as behavioral traits,[…] Continue Reading