Why Te is Inductive and Ti is Deductive

Through our reading of the literature on Jungian typology, both online and offline, we have seen at least three popular actors in the field propose the idea that “Te is Deductive and Ti is Inductive.” Our argument is as follows: (1) Neither of those functions can be reduced to being merely deductive or inductive, but[…] Continue Reading

Jung identified Newton as an S type

In 1941, 20 years after the publication of Psychological Types, Robert H. Loeb wrote a personal letter to Jung, postulating that if one were to make an analogy between the field of Psychology and the field of Physics, Freud would be like Newton and Jung would be like Einstein. To this comparison, Jung had the[…] Continue Reading

Jung, Myers, Keirsey, etc. on Jung’s Type

Jung identifies himself as both ISTP (early life) and INTP (later life). Myers identifies Jung as I-TP. Keirsey & son identify Jung as INFJ. Von Franz identifies Jung as both an N-domiant type (i.e. EN-P or IN-J) as well as a “Thinking-Intuition type with inferior Feeling,” – “the same type as herself,” i.e. INTP. Van[…] Continue Reading

Jung, Myers, Keirsey, etc. on Freud’s Type

Jung identifies Freud as both EST and INFP Myers identifies Freud as an extrovert. Keirsey & son identify Freud as ESTP. Von Franz identifies Freud as I-FP. Van der Hoop identifies Freud as ENTP. Freud identifies himself as having Compulsive and Histrionic traits. Theodore Millon (professor of psychology and creator of the MCMI personality assessment[…] Continue Reading

Typings in ‘Jung’s Compass of Psychological Types’

In the book ‘Jung’s Compass of Psychological Types‘, the author, James Graham Johnston, assesses the types of the people listed below. It should be noted that Johnston does not subscribe to the law of opposites as postulated by later theoreticians in the field. As such, his types are different and cannot be compared to the[…] Continue Reading

Jung identified Adler as both Introverted and Extroverted

Jung’s Early Statement on Adler’s Type In Psychological Types (1921), Jung makes the following statements on Adler’s type: “Freud would like to ensure the undisturbed flow of instinct towards its object; Adler would like to break the baleful spell of the object in order to save the ego from suffocating in its own defensive armour.[…] Continue Reading

Adler’s Contributions to Psychology

By the CT admin team After V.W. Odajnyk and Edward Hoffman “Adler had only one idea. It was a good idea, but he did not get beyond [that].” – C.G. Jung As we have detailed in another article, the contributions of extroverts to the history of ideas tends to get overlooked in favor of similar[…] Continue Reading

NTP/NFJ vs. NTJ/NFP Ontology

NTJ/NFP: The insides are the insides. NTP/NFJ: The outsides are the insides. NTJ/NFP: The outsides are the outer layers around the insides. NTP/NFJ: The outsides are the outer layers around yet more outsides. NTJ/NFP: It is the insides that determine a thing’s true nature and worth. NTP/NFJ: It is the outsides that determine a thing’s[…] Continue Reading

Jung on Hegel’s and Schopenhauer’s types

In Psychological Types §540, Jung says of Hegel: As forerunners of Nietzsche’s intuitive approach I would mention Schopenhauer and Hegel, the former because his intuitive feelings had such a decisive influence on his thinking, the latter because of the intuitive ideas that underlie his whole system. In both cases, however, intuition was subordinated to intellect,[…] Continue Reading