CAPT’s typings (and our considerations)

Even though CAPT (Center for Applications of Psychological Type) officially holds the view that only a person himself can gauge his or her own type, one nevertheless finds them offering the following list of typings on their website: Katharine Cook Briggs (INFJ) January 3, 1875–July 10, 1968 Lyman James Briggs (INTP) May 7, 1874–March 26,[…] Continue Reading

Determining Function Axes, Part 1

By Ryan Smith and Eva Gregersen “I referred to Heraclitus, and [Jung] said Heraclitus knew a lot and he had got the notion of the enantiodromia [i.e. “law of running counter to”] from him. [He said] it was important to have a philosophic background to know the theories of cognition.” – E.A. Bennet: Meetings with[…] Continue Reading

Typings in ‘Archetype and Character’

In the book ‘Archetype and Character,’ Jungian analyst V.W. Odajnyk identifies the types of Freud, Adler, Jung, Einstein, Jung’s wife (Emma Jung), and Hans Schmid-Guisan (with whom Jung corresponded on the matter of Psychological Types.) It should be stated that Odajnyk’s book is generally not concerned with classical Jungian typology. However, in the passages from[…] Continue Reading

Jung identified Freud as both ES-P and INFP

According to Jung, he had originally written ‘Psychological Types‘ as a way for him to make sense of his dramatic break with Freud, which had had a severe effect on his mood as well as his social situation (as other Freudians would no longer talk to Jung or refer patients to him). Throughout the course[…] Continue Reading

Can anyone become good at typing?

We wish to be clear that we do not mean to discourage others from using their own judgment in typing. We do not ask others to defer to our authority. Indeed we are aware that we continually make mistakes and also that we have blind spots and lots left to learn. We welcome thoughtful arguments[…] Continue Reading

Jung’s Typology of Dictators

DISCLAIMER: The following typology is obviously more archetypical than ‘seriously’ psychometric in any sense. In the book C.G. Jung Speaks (Princeton University Press 1977), Jung offers a taxonomy of “Dictators” or “Tribal Leaders” which he divides as follows: There are two kinds of dictators – the chieftain type and the medicine man type. (p. 93)[…] Continue Reading

Kant and Jung on Sensing and Intuition

As Jung says in the Face-to-Face interview with BBC in 1959, he was studying Kant during the early parts of his career in order to better understand human cognition. As Jung says: “I was studying Kant. I was steeped in it.” Kant believed that sensing and intuition are factors that condition our conscious experience of[…] Continue Reading

Why Frank Ocean is ISFP

The following comment has been put to us regarding Frank Ocean: Ni seems much higher in his stacking than Tert. He doesn’t seem at all like the other popular Fi/Se musicians who are more sultry and seductive and far less cerebral and metaphorical in presentation. Here is our reply: We are quite certain of Ocean’s[…] Continue Reading