In Psychological Types Jung says of Socrates: “[T]he strongly rationalistic attitude of Socrates repressed the intuitive function as far as possible, so that it had to make itself felt in the form of concrete hallucinations since it had no direct access to consciousness.” Meaning that according to Jung, Socrates had an S in his four-letter[…] Continue Reading
Category: Psychology
In her book Psychotherapy the Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz asserts that Thinking is Einstein‘s dominant function, meaning she identified him as either INTP, ISTP, ENTJ or ESTJ. Reference: Von Franz: Psychotherapy p. 42 (Shambhala 1993)
In her book Psychotherapy the Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz asserts that Hitler‘s repressed function is neither Feeling or Intuition, thus asserting that Hitler was either INJ, IFP, EFJ, or ENP. Reference: Von Franz: Psychotherapy, p. 59-60 (Shambhala 1993)
This post should not be read as an endorsement of any candidate in the upcoming U.S. election. In this post we are merely trying to assess whether prior experience as a business leader can be translated into success in public office. Last week the second of the three presidential debates was resolved in the shape[…] Continue Reading
Our foremost aim is to compare and contrast the two men. We leave it to the reader to decide for himself to which degree each point pertains to their psychological type. We use the word ‘political progressive’ in the historical context of the 19th century and it should not be confused with the tendency of[…] Continue Reading
Some people come to this site after having read David Keirsey‘s portraits of the ISFP and the INFP. These people understandably think that out of those two portraits, the INFP portrait is the better fit for Bob Dylan. Having read the portraits ourselves, we agree: Going by Keirsey’s portraits, INFP really is the better fit[…] Continue Reading
An infographic comparing Dawkins (INTP) to Hitchens (INTJ) and their respective takes on atheism. Some people think we’ve been too hard on Hitchens, but we were aiming for a purely descriptive portrayal of their differences. And at least one of the authors says that he personally enjoyed Hitchens’ book more.
We try to approach every typing with a ‘beginner’s mind’, disregarding what we think we know of a person’s personality based on their popular persona. Even so, it is difficult to shake all prejudice, as we learn anew whenever we type someone like General Custer who really surprises us. As the story goes, Custer was[…] Continue Reading
It is remarkable how despotically premonition circumvents empiricism [i.e. N circumvents T / S]. [This is] how philosophy [N] has always done when it sets off to leap over the hedges of [concrete] experience [S] to reach its magical, alluring endpoint. Philosophy skips fleet-footedly ahead with magical boots on: Hope and presentiment lend wings to[…] Continue Reading