Shawn Daniels is a Ph.D. of classical studies and contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. As always with guest writers on the site, Daniels’ piece represents his own insights and assessments and not necessarily those of the site. By Shawn Daniels, Ph.D. Among the pre-Socratic philosophers, Heraclitus is amongst the most famous, if not the most famous.[…] Continue Reading
By Eva Gregersen The notion of defense mechanisms is central to the field of psychodynamic theory as a whole. Their discovery is widely credited to Freud and seen as among his most important discoveries (although as others have noted, Nietzsche really beat Freud to many of these realizations). In this overview, I list 15 different defense mechanisms and offer examples[…] Continue Reading
“… many are the afflictions that burst in and blunt their thinking. In their lives, they see a meagre portion of life … trusting only in whatever each has encountered as he was driven here and there, yet he falsely claims to have discovered the whole. … Mortal minds have no more power than this.”[…] Continue Reading
By Ryan Smith In preparation for our own piece on why Jung is INFJ, we will recap some of the previous discussions of his type. This article will review the assessments offered in major books and articles between 2000 and 2012. Ann Casement (2001): Carl Gustav Jung …This article requires site membership. If you are already[…] Continue Reading
Boye Akinwande is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes and Ryan Smith is one of the admins of CelebrityTypes. In this article, Akinwande and Smith elaborate on the duality of type-triads, both across, as well as along, the function axes. By Boye Akinwande and Ryan Smith In this article we are going to elaborate on the[…] Continue Reading
“We love our country-men, our neighbours, those of the same trade, profession, and even name with ourselves. Every one of these relations … gives a title to a share of our affection.” – David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, II.II.IV “We give our obedience to those whom we put in positions of authority, and[…] Continue Reading
Boye Akinwande is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes and Ryan Smith is one of the admins of CelebrityTypes. In this article, Akinwande and Smith elaborate on the concept of function axes and how to determine them, expanding on Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series, as well as the article on the Background of the[…] Continue Reading
“A formative voice sinks back into mind; mind sinks back into vital breath; vital breath to radiance; and radiance to the higher divinity. This is the soul; the Self of all that exists; this is the Real Self; You Are That…” – Chandogya Upanishad IV.8 “How transient are all component things! It is their nature[…] Continue Reading
By Ryan Smith, Eva Gregersen, and Sigurd Arild Earlier in 2015 the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association (JPA) hosted a seminar dedicated to Jungian typology. The following article is a short commentary on the two most substantial lectures given at that seminar, namely Ernst Falzeder’s Types of Truth: Jung’s Philosophical Roots and John Beebe’s Individuating the Types.[…] Continue Reading
By Eva Gregersen, Ryan Smith, and Sigurd Arild Since some criticisms have been leveled at our use of functions and the model we employ, some discussion of the use of functions may be in order. Criticisms of Functions and Function Models That Are Discussed in This Article: …This article requires site membership. If you are[…] Continue Reading