The Karpman Drama Triangle is a psychological model that describes dysfunctional interpersonal dynamics commonly found in both personal and professional relationships. It was first described by psychiatrist and transactional analysis theorist Dr. Stephen Karpman. The Drama Triangle involves three roles: the victim, the persecutor, and the rescuer. These roles can be seen as interchangeable and[…] Continue Reading
When a person’s history is full of decisions and actions that are harmful to them, it can be difficult to understand. Freud saw self-destructive behavior as the most difficult problem to solve with his theory because it goes against the idea that organisms try to minimize pain and maximize pleasure. Masochism is a term used[…] Continue Reading
Histrionic personality disorder is a mental condition that is characterized by dramatic and attention-seeking behavior. This disorder is often confused with histrionic character, which is a less severe form of the disorder. With histrionic personalities, individuals tend to be high-anxiety, high-intensity, and highly reactive – especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships. These people may[…] Continue Reading
Schizophrenia is a diagnosis that fits people at the disturbed end of the schizoid spectrum, so non-schizoid others often pathologize those with schizoid traits. However, people with schizoid dynamics can range from hospitalized catatonic patients to creative geniuses. Some people with psychotic tendencies are attracted to occupations such as philosophy, spirituality, theoretical science, and the[…] Continue Reading
Individuals with antisocial tendencies often present some of the most challenging cases for mental health practitioners. This is due in part to the fact that these individuals typically exhibit a lack of remorse or empathy and may be skilled in manipulating those around them. Psychopathy, or antisocial personality disorder, is a mental disorder that is[…] Continue Reading
Narcissism has been a popular topic of discussion in recent years. The term “narcissistic” refers to people whose personalities are organized around maintaining their self-esteem by getting affirmation from outside themselves. This can be done through things such as approval from others or avoiding criticism. Some people have a disproportionate degree of self-concern, to the[…] Continue Reading
“I use the [Heraclitean] term enantiodromia for the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time.” – C.G. Jung: Psychological Types §709 “I referred to Heraclitus, and [Jung] said Heraclitus knew a lot and he had got the notion of the enantiodromia [i.e. “law of running counter to”] from him. [He said] it[…] Continue Reading
Tywin (Oedipus Complex Compulsion) Tywin grew up with a father who almost ruined the family fortune. His father was weak, which made Tywin feel weak himself. Early on, he decided that he must be strong and replace his father as head of the family. As a result, Tywin is compulsively determined never to allow things[…] Continue Reading
High Extroversion: Khloé is energetic, sociable, and talkative, with high levels of outer-directed activity. She is gregarious and warm in most social situations and quick to contribute new insights or topics to any conversation. Khloé is also quite witty and sassy – good with banter and good at giving as good as she gets –[…] Continue Reading
Average Extroversion: Kim showcases balanced extroversion, though with a slight tilt towards the introverted side of the spectrum. She is at ease in most social situations and communicates wholesomely with friends as well as with strangers. Her social stance is marked by a bit of reserve at times, however, as she prefers to hang back and[…] Continue Reading