By Ryan Smith Heraclitus is arguably the most important philosopher with regards to Jungian typology.[1] At the very least, if one wishes to approach typology from a function-based perspective (as opposed to a trait, dichotomy, or temperament-based one), there is no getting around Heraclitus. In fact, a lot of the methodical errors surrounding the function-based[…] Continue Reading
With the events of 2015 and 2016, it is no exaggeration to say that the traditional political order of Western democracies is being shaken to its core. Jonathan Haidt is a professor at New York University. With more than 30,000 citations from other scholars, he is arguably the most prominent social scientist at work in[…] Continue Reading
Boye Akinwande is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. As always with guest writers on the site, Akinwande’s own insights and assessments are his own and not necessarily the same as those of the site. In this article, Akinwande elaborates on the concept of function axes and how to illustrate their opposition, mirroring, and tension. By Boye Akinwande This is[…] Continue Reading
1: There was a legend in antiquity that Plato plagiarized Pythagorean teachings: A big scandal in antiquity was the rumor that Plato purchased documents containing secret Pythagorean teachings and passed them off as his own insights without divulging his sources. Schrodinger: Nature and the Greeks and Science and Humanism (Cambridge University Press 1996) p. 34n1[…] Continue Reading
By Boye Akinwande and Ryan Smith In type comparisons like these, INFJ and INFP is perhaps the contrast that receives the most attention out of all the 120 possible pairings. If you ask around the internet, you will sometimes get the rather snooty answer that since these two types don’t have any functions in common,[…] Continue Reading
By Ryan Smith When talking about Buddhism, we must first ask: Which version of Buddhism? In this article, the answer is going to be ‘original Buddhism’: We are going to base our answer on the earliest Buddhist texts, that is, from the time when Buddhism was not yet a religion, but a matter of philosophy[…] Continue Reading
Interview by Ryan Smith Richard Noll is an Associate Professor of Psychology at DeSales University in Pennsylvania, a clinical psychologist, and the award-winning author of two famous books on Jung, namely The Jung Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement (Princeton University Press, 1994) and The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung (Random House,[…] Continue Reading
Boye Akinwande is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. As always with guest writers on the site, Akinwande’s piece represents his own insights and type assessments and not necessarily those of the site. By Boye Akinwande Both INFJs and ISFJs tend to be soft-spoken and considerate individuals. They often have thoughtful and well-developed perspectives on the social[…] Continue Reading
Watch this article as a video here and here. Jonathan Haidt is a professor at New York University. With more than 30,000 citations from other scholars, he is arguably the most prominent social scientist at work in the world today. Haidt is especially famous for his framework of moral foundations or moral intuitions theory. The theory[…] Continue Reading
DISCLAIMER When I mention genders and cognitive functions in this article, I refer to them only in terms of the historical and metaphysical ways in which they were employed by Jung, Jungians, and the ancient world. The value judgments associated with these entities are invoked because they are relevant to my analysis of the Mithraic[…] Continue Reading