
Jesus and Eastern Influences

By Ryan Smith It is, as a rule, very hard to uncover the historical facts of the Christian inception, and whatever we can say must be stated with great reserve. On the other hand, it is easily demonstrable that many pertinent and illuminative facts are left out of most Christian accounts. In this article, I[…] Continue Reading

Functions for Beginners, Part 2

John Barlow is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. As always with guest writers on the site, Barlow’s piece represents his own insights and assessments and not necessarily those of the site. In this piece, Barlow attempts an informal and colloquial exposition of basic function theory.  By John Barlow In my last article, I talked about the functions. I also[…] Continue Reading

Functions for Beginners, Part 1

John Barlow is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. As always with guest writers on the site, Barlow’s piece represents his own insights and assessments and not necessarily those of the site. In this piece, Barlow attempts an informal and colloquial exposition of basic function theory.  By John Barlow In this article, I will try to explain function-based typology to newcomers[…] Continue Reading

The Anaximanderian Conception of Function Axes

“The Boundless is the first principle of things that are. It is that from which coming-into-being takes place, and into that which things return when they perish by mortal necessity, giving satisfaction to one another and making reparation for their injustice, in accordance with the order of time.” – Anaximander: Fragment DK12 B1  By Ryan[…] Continue Reading

Determining Function Axes, Part 9

Lee Morgan is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. As always with guest writers on the site, Lee’s piece represents his own insights and type assessments and not necessarily those of the site. In this article, Lee seeks a tighter, Wittgensteinian definition of the function axes.  By Lee Morgan The Quiddity Perception Axis (Se/Ni): This axis yields a cognitive preference for perceiving in[…] Continue Reading

Star Wars Big Five: Darth Vader

By Sigurd Arild, Eva Gregersen, and Ryan Smith This series of articles analyzes the characters from ‘Star Wars’ (original trilogy only) on the basis of the Big Five system of personality which is the most widely used personality test in social science and which has sometimes been referred to as “the only truly scientific personality[…] Continue Reading

Star Wars Big Five: Emperor Palpatine

By Sigurd Arild, Eva Gregersen, and Ryan Smith This series of articles analyzes the characters from ‘Star Wars’ (original trilogy only) on the basis of the Big Five system of personality which is the most widely used personality test in social science and which has sometimes been referred to as “the only truly scientific personality[…] Continue Reading

Star Wars Big Five: Obi-Wan Kenobi

By Sigurd Arild, Eva Gregersen, and Ryan Smith This series of articles analyzes the characters from ‘Star Wars’ (original trilogy only) on the basis of the Big Five system of personality which is the most widely used personality test in social science and which has sometimes been referred to as “the only truly scientific personality[…] Continue Reading

Star Wars Big Five: Han Solo

By Sigurd Arild, Eva Gregersen, and Ryan Smith This series of articles analyzes the characters from ‘Star Wars’ (original trilogy only) on the basis of the Big Five system of personality which is the most widely used personality test in social science and which has sometimes been referred to as “the only truly scientific personality test.” Compared to Jungian[…] Continue Reading

Spiritual Star Wars: Luke Confronts Vader

By Ryan Smith Watch this piece as a video here. George Lucas has said that “Star Wars is a synthesis of all religions.” But which religions inspired what? What religion inspired this? VADER: The Emperor has been expecting you. LUKE: I know, father. VADER: So, you have accepted the truth. LUKE: I’ve accepted the truth[…] Continue Reading