Big Five President Test
You are here because one of your friends linked you to his or her Big Five President Test result.
Take the testOut of 25 U.S. Presidents, your friend is the most like:
Ulysses S. Grant

"The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on."
Compared to the general population, your friend is:
- Low on Openness
- Low on Conscientiousness
- Above average on Extroversion
- Average on Agreeableness
- Low on Neuroticism
According to a study done by Jeffery J. Mondak, Ph.D., your friend's scores indicate that he or she is:
- Likely to be skeptical of minorities and sexual deviants.
- More likely to be pro-life rather than pro-choice.
- Likely to feel that any sensible person must start with the status quo.
- Likely to regard philosophical discussions a waste of time.
- Likely to pursue interests in the real world, rather than bury themselves in book knowledge.
- Less likely to favor military intervention as a means of solving foreign policy problems.
- More likely to think that international cooperation will solve foreign policy problems.
- Less likely to take an active interest in their community, preferring instead to go their own way.
- More likely to be cosmopolitan in tastes and less likely to be patriotic and proud of their country.
- Less likely to enjoy romantic fiction than the rest of the population.
- More likely to have a tolerant attitude towards smoking.
- More likely to favor mild criminal punishments over harsher ones.
- More likely to watch TV, read the news, and stay up to date on current events.
- More likely to mobilize their friends to take part in their own interests.
- Someone who seems opinionated to others, while being in fact quite open-minded and tolerant of opposing views.
- More likely to enjoy fitness training and physical exercise.
- More likely to nurture a few select beliefs that they regard as settled in stone.
- Less likely to flirt with harm and danger.
- Less likely to have insurance or to belong to a labor union.
According to a study done by Jayme Neiman, Ph.D., your friend's scores indicate that he or she is:
- Less likely than the average person to enjoy bitter vegetables like broccoli and arugula.