By Sigurd Arild According to Hume, there are two kinds of propositions: Relations between ideas and matters of fact. Relations between ideas are simple and can, given the scarcest of knowledge, be proven without having to rely on personal experience or outside observation. For example, five plus seven will always equal 12, and in theory[…] Continue Reading
Author: admin
Boye Akinwande is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. In this article, Akinwande elaborates on the concept of function axes and how to determine them, expanding on Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. By Boye Akinwande A facet of Jungian typology that CelebrityTypes has really brought to life, theoretically refined, and elaborated upon is the[…] Continue Reading
By Eva Gregersen and Sigurd Arild Since a lot of misinformation and erroneous scholarship on Spielrein and her life seems to be circulating, it may be worthwhile to take a moment to clear up some of the misunderstandings. 1: Jung never spanked Spielrein (and probably not her coat either) …This article requires site membership. If[…] Continue Reading
“The freedom of the individual finds its high point in Xenophanes and in [his] almost boundless withdrawal from all conventionality.” – Nietzsche: Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks §10 “His temperament was … restless, curious, many-sided, critical as well as biting, he would rightly be considered … the man who would trace new[…] Continue Reading
Michael Pierce is a video maker and contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. As always with guest writers on the site, Pierce’s piece represents his own insights and type assessments and not necessarily those of the site. Still, we very much enjoy his work and are pleased to be able to share it with our visitors. *** “C.G. Jung said[…] Continue Reading
Stefan Kirchner is an Associate Professor of Human Rights at the University of Lapland in Finland and a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. In this article, Kircher elaborates on how John Rawls, one of the most renowned philosophers of the 20th century, thought that we should treat others. As always with guest writers on the[…] Continue Reading
In this article, two of the site administrators explain their current reasons for why they think Woodrow Wilson is an ISTJ. Of the three articles on Woodrow Wilson’s type provided by this site, only the present article can be taken to represent the official views and type assessments of the site. By Ryan Smith and Eva Gregersen[…] Continue Reading
Articles on Wilson Provided by this Site: Why Wilson Is ISTJ – In this article the site administrators explain their current reasons for why they think Woodrow Wilson is ISTJ. Of the three articles provided here, only this article should be taken to represent the official views and type assessments of the site. Why Wilson Is[…] Continue Reading
Dylan Shapiro is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. Shapiro previously alerted us to the possibility that Wilson was INTJ (and not INFJ as we originally thought). In this article, Shapiro furthers his case for Wilson as an INTJ. Shapiro originally wrote an article on why Wilson is INTJ with one of the site admins[…] Continue Reading
By Ryan Smith What would you say if I told you that Einstein, Darwin, Bohr, Popper, Heisenberg, and Hubble (of Hubble Telescope fame) were all part of the same stageplay some roughly 2500 years ago? You would think it was impossible because these people weren’t even born back then. But then, maybe it is possible.[…] Continue Reading