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German Officer Test

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Result chart

Your friend is 53.13% diligent, 25% smart, which places your friend in the dull and diligent quadrant.

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Explanation of Types:

Smart and Diligent: According to von Hammerstein-Equord, these people should be placed in the general’s staff, i.e. as expert technical officers who support the field commanders with administration, intelligence and contingency planning.

Smart and Lazy: In von Hammerstein-Equord’s view, these people should be entrusted with the highest positions of leadership because they alone possess the mental clarity and willingness to take risks that is necessary for difficult decisions.

Dull and Lazy: Von Hammerstein-Equord held that these people would always comprise the majority and were best suited for routine duties where it wouldn’t matter too much if they neglected their responsibilities.

Dull and Diligent: In von Hammerstein-Equord’s view, officers who are dull and diligent are decidedly dangerous and should be kept far away from anything important, as they will only cause damage if entrusted with anything critical.


  • Poller, Horst (2010). Bewältigte Vergangenheit. Das 20. Jahrhundert, erlebt, erlitten, gestaltet Munich, Germany: Olzog Verlag


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