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Hot/Crazy Scale Test

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Result chart Comparison

Your friend is 60% hot, 85.83% crazy, which places your friend in the danger zone.

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Danger Zone: People in the Danger Zone are physically attractive and often seductive, yet they’re also unpredictable and volatile. They may be mysterious and intriguing from a distance, yet relationships with them often veer into treacherous territory. Unsuspecting men and women are often lured into romances with people from the Danger Zone, yet (according to the theory) relationships with them are destined to fail. Many people in the Danger Zone are in fact crazier than they first appear. Some are good at hiding it, and, in general, people give the benefit of the doubt to people of their level of attractiveness. Some followers of the Hot-Crazy matrix believe that relationships with people in the Danger Zone are liable to end with cars getting keyed, tires getting slashed, and law enforcement getting involved.


  • Sera Bozza (2021): The Hot/Crazy Scale Is Real & Actually Backed By Science. Boss Hunting Magazine.
  • Pamela Fryman & Gloria Calderon Kellet (2007): How I Met Your Mother, Season 3, Episode 15: How I Met Everyone Else.
  • Alyson E Blanchard, Thomas J Dunn, Alex Sumich (2021): Borderline personality traits in attractive women and wealthy low attractive men are relatively favoured by the opposite sex. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 169, 109964, ISSN 0191-8869.