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Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD-20) Test

The IGD-20 test assesses the presence and severity of problematic gaming behavior, where excessive use of online games disrupts daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. This tool helps identify patterns of gaming that may impact work-life, social interactions, and mental health.

Instructions: Please read each question carefully and indicate whether it applies to you or not.

Question 1 of 19

My relationships with others have been negatively affected due to my gaming habits.



Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is a behavioral addiction characterized by excessive and compulsive engagement in gaming, leading to significant impairment in an individual's daily life, responsibilities, and social relationships. While gaming can be a normal leisure activity for many, those with IGD often prioritize gaming over essential activities, such as work, education, and personal relationships, potentially causing adverse effects on their mental well-being.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) included Internet Gaming Disorder as a condition for further study in 2013, highlighting the growing recognition of its potential impact on individuals' lives. Subsequently, in 2018, the World Health Organization took a significant step by including Gaming Disorder (GD) as a formal mental disorder in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). This inclusion emphasizes the need for further research and intervention strategies to address the consequences of excessive gaming.

Individuals with IGD may spend prolonged periods gaming, often experiencing an overpowering urge to play regardless of the negative consequences. Their gaming can be triggered by various factors, including stress, loneliness, social pressures, or the immersive nature of certain games, which can provide an escape from real-life challenges. The interactive and competitive aspects of online gaming evoke strong responses, creating a sense of achievement, connection with others, or a fantasy world that feels more fulfilling than everyday experiences.

As a result of their intense gaming habits, individuals may neglect important aspects of their lives, leading to academic, occupational, or social difficulties. They may experience feelings of withdrawal when unable to play, and their mood can significantly improve with gaming, reinforcing the cycle of compulsive use. Over time, habitual engagement in gaming can result in increased feelings of isolation, irritability, anxiety, and even depression when the gaming experiences do not meet their needs or expectations.

Although Internet Gaming Disorder is increasingly acknowledged as a legitimate mental health concern, the emotional and societal impact can lead to significant decreases in overall quality of life. This may manifest as frustration over unmet responsibilities, social withdrawal, or feelings of inadequacy due to unachieved goals in the real world. Raising awareness of IGD and GD can encourage individuals to examine underlying emotional struggles, seek support, and develop healthier coping strategies, ultimately promoting better emotional regulation and improved social connections.

As the publishers of this free online Internet Gaming Disorder test, which allows you to screen yourself for the signs and symptoms of this disorder, we have strived to make the test as reliable and valid as possible by subjecting it to statistical controls and validation. However, free online quizzes such as the present Internet Gaming Disorder Test do not provide professional assessments or recommendations of any kind; the test is provided entirely “as-is.” For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.

Why Use This Test?

1. Free. The Internet Gaming Disorder Test is provided to you free of charge and allows you to obtain your scores related to a pattern of excessive gaming.

2. Statistical controls. Test scores are logged into an anonymized database. Statistical analysis of the test is conducted to ensure maximum accuracy and validity of the test scores.

3. Made by professionals. The present test has been made with the input of people who work professionally in psychology and individual differences research.