Libertarian Purity Test
The Libertarian Purity Test was authored by the prominent American professor of economics Bryan Caplan more than 30 years ago. A classic of the early internet, the test aims to determine how closely an individual aligns with libertarian ideology, which generally emphasizes individual liberty and limited government.
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Note: The word privatized, as used throughout the test, means that a given government service is henceforth supplied by the free market and paid for by consumers. It is distinguished from subcontracting in which the government uses tax money to hire a private firm to provide a government service.
Question 1 of 64
Do we spend too much on Medicare?
The Libertarian Purity Test was authored by the American professor of economics, Bryan Caplan. It is used with permission.
The Libertarian Purity Test is a questionnaire designed to gauge an individual's adherence to libertarian principles and beliefs. It consists of a series of questions covering various political, economic, and social issues, with respondents selecting their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement.
The test aims to determine how closely an individual aligns with libertarian ideology, which generally emphasizes individual liberty, limited government intervention in both economic and personal matters, free markets, and non-aggression. Questions may cover topics such as taxation, government regulation, civil liberties, foreign policy, and social issues.
Scores on the test are typically calculated by assigning points to each response based on its alignment with libertarian principles. A higher score indicates a stronger adherence to libertarian beliefs, while a lower score suggests less alignment.
The Libertarian Purity Test is not an official or standardized assessment but rather a tool used by individuals and organizations within the libertarian movement to evaluate political ideology and promote discussion. It's worth noting that there can be variations in the questions and scoring methods used in different versions of the test, and it's not uncommon for individuals to interpret libertarianism differently, leading to some subjectivity in the results.
Bryan Caplan is an American economist and professor at George Mason University. He is known for his work in the fields of public economics, political economy, and libertarian thought. Caplan's research often challenges conventional wisdom on various economic and social issues.
One of Caplan's notable contributions is his book "The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies," in which he argues that voters often hold mistaken beliefs about economics and policy, and these misconceptions drive political outcomes. He suggests that voters' irrational biases, such as a tendency to favor protectionism or misunderstand the benefits of immigration, lead to poor policy decisions.
Caplan is also known for his advocacy of libertarianism, advocating for limited government intervention in economic and social affairs. He argues for greater economic freedom, including reducing regulations and restrictions on trade, as well as for individual liberty and autonomy in personal matters.
In addition to his academic work, Caplan is a prolific blogger and commentator on economic and political issues. He engages in debates and discussions on topics ranging from education and immigration to the role of government in society.
Overall, Bryan Caplan is a prominent figure in the fields of economics and libertarian thought, known for his challenging perspectives and advocacy of individual freedom and rational policymaking.
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