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Multidimensional Dissociation Test (MID)

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Your friend's dissociation symptoms are high (63.47%).

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Explanation of Elements:

Amnesia in the context of dissociation involves gaps in memory that go beyond typical forgetfulness, often linked to periods of stress or trauma. Individuals may engage in activities or find themselves in situations with no recollection of how they arrived there, such as changing their appearance or being in unexpected places. This type of dissociative amnesia can also involve waking up to discover alarming or dangerous objects in their possession, which they cannot explain. These memory lapses suggest a disconnect between conscious awareness and actions, often triggered by a need to mentally escape overwhelming emotions.

Alter Personalities also known as "alters," are distinct identities or states of consciousness within an individual, often arising as a protective response to trauma. These alters can have unique names, behaviors, and memories, which may differ significantly from the person's primary identity. They may manifest as internal voices, a sense of another presence, or distinct shifts in identity that feel as though another person is taking control. Alters often serve specific functions, such as shielding the individual from emotional pain or managing certain life situations.

Angry Intrusions in dissociation involve the emergence of intense, uncontrollable anger that feels as though it originates from an external or separate part of oneself. During these episodes, individuals may say or do things they do not remember afterward, as though another part of their personality has taken over. The experience often includes a sense of detachment or lack of control over one's words and actions, which can feel foreign or disconnected from their usual behavior. This phenomenon may stem from unresolved anger or trauma compartmentalized within the mind, surfacing in a way that seems autonomous.

Persecutory Intrusions in dissociation are characterized by the presence of internal voices that express hostility, criticism, or harmful intent toward the individual. These voices may demean the person by calling them derogatory names, undermining their sense of self-worth, or urging self-harm. Such intrusions often feel external or as though they come from a separate entity within the mind, contributing to a profound sense of distress. The voices may command silence, criticize perceived failures, or express malevolent wishes, amplifying feelings of vulnerability and hopelessness.

Depersonalization/Derealization are dissociative experiences that involve a disconnection from oneself or the external world. In depersonalization, individuals may feel as though their emotions or physical body are not their own, creating a sense of detachment from their identity or reality. This can include feeling disconnected from their emotions or perceiving their body as unfamiliar or foreign. Derealization, on the other hand, involves a sense that the external world is unreal or distorted, as though viewed through a fog or a filter that makes people, objects, or surroundings seem distant, unclear, or artificial.

Distress related to dissociation often manifests as significant memory difficulties that disrupt daily functioning and cause emotional turmoil. Individuals may struggle to recall recent activities, such as what they did earlier in the day or details about their most recent meal, leading to confusion and frustration. They may also forget information immediately after hearing it, making social interactions and responsibilities challenging. These memory lapses can extend to tasks they usually excel at, such as their job, further compounding their feelings of inadequacy.

Loss of Memory as a feature of dissociation often involves significant gaps in recollection, particularly concerning one’s past. Individuals may be unable to recall large portions of their childhood or feel that substantial parts of their personal history are missing. This lack of memory can extend to critical life events, leaving individuals feeling disconnected from their own experiences. The gaps in memory are often broad and pervasive, making it difficult for them to form a cohesive narrative of their past. This fragmented recollection can contribute to feelings of confusion, detachment, and a diminished sense of identity.

Flashbacks involve vividly reliving traumatic events as though they are happening in the present. These experiences can be so intense that individuals temporarily lose touch with their surroundings, feeling entirely immersed in the past trauma. Flashbacks often bring overwhelming sensory memories, including sights, sounds, and smells associated with the event, making them feel inescapable. The persistence of these involuntary recollections can disrupt daily life, sometimes making it challenging to perform basic tasks or even get out of bed.

Body Symptoms associated with dissociation often manifest as physical impairments with no identifiable medical cause, reflecting the mind-body connection in response to trauma or stress. These symptoms can include temporary difficulties such as swallowing, seeing, hearing, or even moving, which disrupt daily functioning. The intensity of these symptoms can create significant confusion and distress, as individuals may struggle to understand why they are experiencing such impairments. These episodes are not under voluntary control and can contribute to feelings of helplessness and frustration. The mind-body disconnect highlights the profound impact trauma or stress can have on both mental and physical well-being.

Non-epileptic Seizures, as an element of dissociation, involve sudden and uncontrollable physical movements or shaking that do not have a clear medical explanation. These episodes may include feelings of paralysis or an inability to move, where the person feels disconnected from their body, yet no physical cause can be found. The lack of medical diagnosis for such symptoms often leads to confusion and distress, as the individual experiences these symptoms without understanding why they occur. The experience of non-epileptic seizures can significantly disrupt daily life and contribute to a sense of helplessness.

Trance states in the context of dissociation are characterized by periods of altered consciousness where individuals feel detached from their surroundings or sense of self. These episodes can disrupt normal functioning, as people may unknowingly drift into a trance-like state that lasts for hours or even days. While in this state, they may experience difficulties with basic tasks, responsibilities, and staying grounded in reality. Trance states often occur without the individual's awareness, leaving them disoriented when they emerge.

Self-Confusion, as an element of dissociation, involves a significant sense of detachment from one's own identity and actions. Individuals experiencing this state may feel as though they are merely going through the motions of daily life, without a clear sense of connection to their behavior. This disconnection can extend to confusion about personal identity, leaving the person uncertain about who they truly are or how they fit into the world around them. They may also experience emotional disorientation, struggling to understand or make sense of their feelings.

Total Dissociation measures your overall degree of dissociation symptoms. Higher scores indicate a greater presence of dissociative symptoms.


  • Kate, M.-A., Jamieson, G., Dorahy, M. J., & Middleton, W. (2021). Measuring Dissociative Symptoms and Experiences in an Australian College Sample Using a Short Version of the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 22(3), 265-287.


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