Parenting Style Test
This Parenting Style Test assesses your parental style, reflecting how you parent your child.
Inspired by the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ), this test measures strategies used to socialize children in the intrafamily environment.
What is your parenting style? For each of the following questions, indicate how well it describes you below.
Question 1 of 62
I tell our child that we appreciate what the child tries or accomplishes.
Disagree | Agree |
The IDRlabs Parenting Style Test is inspired by the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) developed by Clyde C. Robinson et al. at Brigham Young University, United States of America. IDRlabs is not affiliated with either author, Brigham Young University, or any other institution.
The test provides feedback such as the following:
Authoritative Parenting: Authoritative parenting denotes a parenting style characterized by high levels of warmth, involvement, reasoning, and democratic participation. Parents who exhibit authoritative parenting create a nurturing and supportive environment for their children. They maintain open lines of communication, actively engage in their child's life, and are aware of any concerns or problems the child may face, such as issues at school. They encourage their child to talk about their troubles and provide comfort and understanding when the child is upset. Authoritative parents balance discipline and guidance, using reasoning and induction to help their children understand the impact of their behavior. They set clear expectations and rules while considering their child's input. This parenting style promotes self-confidence and good-naturedness in children.
Warmth & Involvement: Denotes the level of warmth and involvement displayed by the parent. It includes actions such as knowing the names of the child's friends, being aware of problems or concerns in school, giving comfort and understanding when the child is upset, showing sympathy when the child is hurt or frustrated, and expressing appreciation for the child's efforts or accomplishments.
Reasoning/Induction: Refers to the parent's use of reasoning and induction as a means of guiding the child's behavior. It involves actions such as explaining the consequences of the child's behavior, helping the child understand the impact of their actions, talking it over and reasoning with the child when they misbehave, and explaining why rules should be obeyed.
Democratic Participation: Indicates the extent to which the parent allows the child to have input and participate in decision-making within the family. It includes actions like taking the child's desires into account, allowing them to give input into family rules, encouraging them to freely express their opinions even when disagreeing with parents, and considering their preferences in making family plans.
Good Natured/Easy Going: Reflects the parent's easygoing and relaxed demeanor. It involves actions such as joking and playing with the child, showing patience and being easygoing, having warm and intimate times together, and displaying respect for the child's opinions by encouraging them to express themselves.
Authoritarian Parenting: Authoritarian parenting refers to a parenting style characterized by high levels of control, discipline, and often verbal hostility. Parents who exhibit authoritarian parenting tend to rely more on punishment than reasoning. They may use corporal punishment, such as spanking, as a means of discipline. They enforce strict rules and expect immediate obedience from their children. Authoritarian parents may scold, criticize, or yell when their child misbehaves, and they may prioritize their own feelings over their child's emotions. This style can lead to a lack of autonomy and self-confidence in children and may strain the parent-child relationship.
Verbal Hostility: Denotes the presence of verbal hostility in the parent's interactions with the child. It includes actions such as yelling or shouting at the child, arguing with them, exploding in anger towards them, and expressing disagreement.
Corporal Punishment: Refers to the use of physical punishment as a disciplinary strategy. It includes actions like spanking the child when they are disobedient, grabbing them when they misbehave, and slapping them as a response to misbehavior.
Non-Reasoning, Punitive Strategies: Indicates the use of non-reasoning and punitive strategies by the parent. It includes actions such as punishing the child by taking privileges away without explanations, punishing by putting the child off somewhere alone with little explanation, and using threats as punishment without justification.
Directiveness: Reflects the level of directiveness and control exerted by the parent. It includes actions like telling the child what to do, scolding and criticizing them to make them improve, disciplining them first and asking questions later, and setting strict and well-established rules.
Permissive Parenting: Permissive parenting denotes a parenting style characterized by a lack of structure, discipline, and follow-through. Permissive parents tend to be indulgent and avoid setting clear boundaries for their children. They may spoil their child and struggle to discipline them, finding it difficult to enforce consequences or provide consistent guidance. Permissive parents often ignore misbehavior and may withhold scolding or criticism even when their child acts contrary to their wishes. They may lack confidence in their parenting abilities and fear that disciplining their child will affect their relationship negatively. This style can result in children lacking self-discipline, respect for rules, and accountability.
Permissive parenting consists of the following elements:
Lack of Follow-Through: Denotes a lack of consistency and follow-through in the parent's disciplinary actions. It includes actions such as stating punishments but not actually implementing them and carrying out discipline after the child misbehaves.
Ignoring Misbehavior: Refers to the parent's tendency to ignore the child's misbehavior rather than address it. It includes actions such as withholding scolding or criticism when the child acts contrary to the parent's wishes and allowing the child to annoy someone else.
Self-Confidence: Reflects the parent's confidence in their parenting abilities. It includes actions such as appearing confident about parenting abilities, appearing unsure about how to solve the child's misbehavior, and being afraid that disciplining the child will affect their parent-child relationship negatively.
Neglectful parenting: Denotes a parenting style characterized by a lack of responsiveness, emotional support, and supervision. It refers to a situation where parents fail to meet their child's basic needs, both physically and emotionally. Neglectful parents may be indifferent or uninvolved in their child's life, neglecting to provide necessary care, attention, and guidance. In neglectful parenting, parents may exhibit a lack of emotional warmth, failing to show affection or provide comfort to their child. They may be unresponsive to their child's emotional needs, dismissing or ignoring their feelings. Neglectful parents often prioritize their own interests or responsibilities over their child's well-being, resulting in a lack of supervision and guidance. They may neglect to ensure their child's safety, health, and education, leading to potential developmental and psychological challenges.
The IDRlabs Parenting Style Test is inspired by the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) authored by Clyde C. Robinson et al. at Brigham Young University. The PSDQ test was developed as an instrument to help categorize parental styles. While the IDRlabs Parenting Style Test is based on the PSDQ test, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or accurate evaluation of your personality. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.