Personality Complex Test
You are here because one of your friends linked you to their Personality Complex Test result:
Take the TestResults:
Your friend's personality complex is borderline (95.24%).
Take the TestBorderline
Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: Intense, shifting, and variable moods which seem to be only marginally related to outside events. Your emotional life is inherently unstable and may lash out in any direction (joy, exuberance, anger, anxiety, or euphoria) seemingly without warning. Because of your emotional instability, you dread separation and crave for someone close to you to assuage your fears and help you feel secure. However, it is no easy task being your retainer, as love may give way to anger and hate at a moment's notice. You most likely have a pattern of desperately trying to assert yourself before collapsing back into dependency and feelings of shame. Because you are so capricious, you are likely to have a checkered personal history and a track record of erratic performance, in school as well as at work. Since you lack an inner defining core, you also have a hard time learning from setbacks, and you may fall prey to the same mistake many times over. A recurring feature of your life may be that you keep exhibiting poor judgment and lack of foresight, even though "you should know better by now." However, the root of your plight is not stupidity or malevolence, but your inherent instability and weakly developed sense of self.
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