Adam Driver Quotes
Quotes by and about Adam Driver
(Continued from his main entry on the site.)
Driver: "I don't really come in with a set way of working, I guess. I always feel out the vibe. Like, 'I'm going to adapt to what this is.'"
Driver: "[To be] curious about all sorts of things [and to meet] something unfamiliar with interest, as opposed to judgment ... I find is a pretty amazing quality."
Driver: "[I have] very strong opinions about Hollywood movies and how they can be a waste of resources and seem totally gratuitous and dumbed down for an audience and sacrifice story for spectacle."
New York Times: "[He is] the screen's reigning hipster philosopher."
New York Times: "[While I interview him he is] posing questions of his own and sounding sincerely interested. ... Mr. Driver is a listener."
New York Times: "No one is a harsher critic of Mr. Driver's abilities than he is, say those who know him. 'He is incredibly modest and profoundly hard on himself,' Mr. [J.J.] Abrams said. 'He's not an actor who loves to watch himself after a take on a monitor. He's not someone who might ever choose to watch a performance he's given - which is really too bad, because if he were able to, he'd probably really like what he saw.'"
Huffington Post: "[In person he] comes across as a sweet, thoughtful guy who laughs easily at himself and gamely answers every question, no matter how long it takes."