David Heinemeier Hansson Quotes
Quotes by and about David Heinemeier Hansson
(Continued from his main entry on the site.)
Hansson: "I need to know that the work I'm doing has an impact on people or businesses somewhere."
Hansson: "To me, money is a way of keeping score as a business, of whether you're doing anything useful for society or not and whether you're doing it in a energy efficient way."
Hansson: "When I say I love money, that's actually not true. I love profits. There are lots of companies out there who make a lot of money in revenue and don't make any profits. That to me is terribly uninteresting. That is energy inefficient."
Hansson: "I know that a lot of people feel uneasy about reaping the rewards of their work. I don't. I don't have any guilt about being a successful participant in the capitalistic system. I think that's how it works. ... I don't think there's any reason to feel sad or sorry about that."
Hansson: "Find out what your best idea is and work on that. I think a lot of people have a portfolio of ideas about things they would like to pursue and that is where paralysis lies. When you have a ton of things that you could pursue, then there's a good chance you won't end up pursuing any of them with sufficient vigor."
Hansson: "Figure out what your best idea is and then give it your all."
Hansson: "I don't usually go around saying 'Fuck you' to everyone I meet. But sometimes it's the appropriate answer."