Marcus Aurelius Quotes
Quotes by and about Marcus Aurelius
(Continued from his main entry on the site.)
Aurelius: "Love the art ... that you have learned and be content with it."
Aurelius: "Begin every morning by saying to yourself, 'Today I shall meet ... the ungrateful, the arrogant, the deceitful, and the envious. ... I have seen the nature of ... the wrongdoer and that it is akin to mine. ... I cannot ... be angry with my kinsman, nor hate him.'"
Aurelius: "It is characteristic of the human being to perceive that he is working in a social manner, and indeed to wish that his social partner also should perceive it."
Aurelius: "How have you behaved so far to ... your parents, brethren, children, teachers, to those who looked after you in your infancy, to your friends [and] kinsfolk? Consider if you have ... behaved to all in such a way that this may be said of you: ... 'He never wronged a man in deed or word.'"
Aurelius: "Let it make no difference whether you are cold or warm, as long as you are doing your duty."
Aurelius: "I do my duty: other things trouble me not."
Aurelius: "Behave in a social spirit."
Bertrand Russell: "It is remarkable that Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius are completely at one on all philosophical questions."