Rand Paul Quotes
Quotes by and about Rand Paul
(Continued from his main entry on the site.)
Paul: "My first love has always been being a physician and doing eye surgery and helping people get their vision back."
Paul: "[I have] somewhat fear of the future. ... I'm disappointed that we keep choosing the easy way out. ... The easy way out isn't really helping people; it's actually hurting the people."
Paul: "I want the Republican Party to grow and to be strong and for our ideas to win in Washington. And the way they win, I think, is adding a little bit of a libertarian infusion, a little bit of a constitutional Bill of Rights type of approach to issues and instill that into the Republican Party."
Paul: "You gotta present ideas in a way that it brings more people to it."
Al Cross: "He's not naturally gregarious. He's not a natural politician."
New Yorker: "Rand Paul has the bedside manner of a surgeon. He is more comfortable attacking a cataract or reshaping the cornea during Lasik surgery than he is talking to voters."
GQ: "Paul has often refused to do the things expected of Kentucky politicians: the backslapping, the ring kissing. ... Until he decided to run for Senate ... Paul wasn't even a politician but rather an ophthalmologist. If Bill Clinton is famous for looking people in the eye and making them feel like the only person in the room, Paul gives the impression he's checking for cataracts."
Father and son: Ron Paul and Rand Paul
Paul: "While many now look to my father as a champion of liberty, let's just say I caught the liberty bug much earlier and, yes, I admit I had a particular advantage. As a child, when people would come over to the house and start political discussions, I was always very comfortable with the adult conversation."
Paul: "When I was 11 years old, I knocked on my first doors for my dad. When people would come over to our house and we would have a political discussion, even as a child I was very comfortable in the conversation of the adults, and I guess for a while I listened, but after a while I wanted to participate in the conversation."
Paul: "I remain very much my father's son, not only in my politics but in the way that Dad and I have different approaches to things. It really shouldn't surprise people that part of being Ron Paul's son means being your own man, independent and unique-minded. If I blindly followed Dad with no differences of opinion I would be less my father's son, not more. Dad and I have always understood this even when others have not. My father's popularity and influence have been a tremendous help to my political career. I don't think I could have become a Senator without him but, for most of my life and certainly my political life, I have never been dependent on my dad - and he wouldn't have it any other way."
Ron Paul: "[As a child] he ... showed initiative and wanted to be an organizer."
[His campaign manager:] "Rand is much more open to a transitional approach to things and a pragmatic way to solve our problems [than his father]."
John David Dyche: "He [is] not his father's son in all respects.... He [is] interested in ... achieving things rather than just making philosophical points."
John Samples: "Unlike his father, he's not interested in educating. He's interested in winning."
Fergus Cullen: "[Unlike his father] Rand Paul doesn't get off on tangents about the gold standard. He doesn't seem satisfied to simply make ideological points and let the chips fall where they may."
Ron Paul: "It may well be that his approach will be far more successful than mine ever was."