Toni Wolff Quotes
Quotes by and about Toni Wolff
(Continued from her main entry on the site.)
Richard Noll: "In [working on his autobiography] 'Memories, Dreams, Reflections' Jung talked a great deal about Toni Wolff. However, despite her importance to Jung, she [was removed from] the book."
Irene Champernowne: "I always felt as if I were even nearer to Jung's inner wisdom when I was with her than when I was with him in the flesh. She was in some way the inner side ... of his journey. ... She had a remarkable insight and was articulate and confident."
Irene Champernowne: "In her characteristic manner, she [always] tried to be independent."
Jane H. Wheelwright: "Toni would be a manipulator in a very ladylike way. She'd sure get rid of her enemies, but you never saw it happen. [Jung's wife] Emma was more forthright, less of a manipulator."
Jane H. Wheelwright: "I would say that Emma was the very human one of the two, and Toni was, well ... I guess she was human, too, but you know in a different way. You think of Emma's warmth and her human concern, and, with Toni, you thought of her as [having] these tremendous ideas ... and [a] focus ... which was more on the impersonal side."
Jane H. Wheelwright: "Toni ... could be so tactless. You wouldn't believe it."
[Interviewer: "Would you like to talk about any incidents with Toni that bring out her tactlessness?"]
Jane H. Wheelwright: "I'll tell you one that I didn't forget. I had an appointment with her at her house. ... I got there when I was supposed
to, and no Toni. Nobody home. So I sat on the steps for an hour until finally she came back with a lot of packages. She had been shopping.
And I said rather meekly, 'I thought we had an appointment.' She said, 'Come on in.' She never apologized, never even knew what she'd done,
didn't even bother to know. She undoubtedly knew, but she wasn't going to say it. I got absolutely no word from her that would say 'I'm sorry'
or 'I didn't realize' or 'I'm late' or 'I was held up' or something. Not a word. All she said was 'come in.' That I found pretty annoying,
but I was very young at the time, so I just took it. ... [Her Feeling function was] at the bottom."
Jane H. Wheelwright: "[She was a] very introverted woman. Just about as introverted as anyone could be."