Multiphasic Personality Type Test
Based on research from the University of Minnesota
The Multiphasic Personality Test is a psychological test that assesses psychological problems and pathologies in people. The Multiphasic Test is primarily used to diagnose people who may be thought to have serious mental health issues, but it can also be used to discern whether people who are psychologically healthy have surprising sides to their personalities.
What are your scores on the famous multiphasic personality scales? For each of the following statements, indicate how well it describes you below.
Question 1 of 104
I worry a lot about having a serious illness or disease.
The IDRlabs Multiphasic Personality Type Test (IDR-MPTT©) was developed by IDRlabs. The IDR-MPT was based on the famous scales known from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), a scientifically validated instrument for the assessment of personality pathologies and traits. The test is based on a classic measure developed by the University of Minnesota and is a protected intellectual property, not freely available to researchers. IDR-MPTT is not associated with any researchers who contributed to the MMPI-2 or their affiliated research institutions. Nor is the IDR-MPT the equivalent of the MMPI-2.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used and extensively studied psychological tests worldwide. Clinical psychologist Starke Hathaway, Ph.D., and neuropsychiatrist J.C. McKinley, M.D., are the two University of Minnesota professors who originally created the test. Dr. Hathaway and Dr. McKinley felt that the self-report inventories at that time were excessively open-ended. Respondents easily manipulated the results since they could infer the purpose of these assessments. Initially, the MMPI was developed to be utilized in the University of Minnesota's Department of Psychology. The idea was to create a tool that could be used to objectively evaluate the severity of various psychiatric illnesses. The original test items had been approved by individuals with a variety of mental health diagnoses.
The MMPI eventually rose to the top of the list of psychiatric screening tools. It has been used in pre-employment examinations, hospitals, prisons, and mental clinics. The MMPI is a useful tool for identifying and treating conditions like schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression. It is also used as forensic evidence in custody and criminal defense cases. Moreover, The University of Minnesota Press, which is the MMPI's publisher, claims that companies occasionally utilize the test to assess candidates for high-risk public safety roles like police personnel, firefighters, pilots, air-traffic controllers, and nuclear power plant personnel.
The most widely used version is the MMPI-2 which has the following 10 clinical scales:
- Hypochondriasis (Hs): This scale aims to detect excessive worry for one's health that is not backed by medical expertise. The sources of worries are typically ambiguous and continue even when they are unfounded.
- Depression (Ds): The pertinent questions involve general dissatisfaction, hopelessness, and low morale.
- Hysteria (Hy): This scale evaluates an individual’s neuroticism, headaches, cynicism, shyness, and poor physical health.
- Psychopathic Deviate (Pd): The psychopathic deviate scale tracks difficulties with authority and family, boredom, and feelings of alienation.
- Masculinity/ Femininity (Mf): This evaluates how an individual follows stereotypical gender roles and questions regarding activity preferences, aesthetic interests, and personal sensitivities.
- Paranoia (Pa): This scale evaluates grandiose, rigid, delusional, and suspicious thinking.
- Psychasthenia (Pt): The psychasthenia scale looks into abnormal fears, concentration difficulties, and self-criticism.
- Schizophrenia (Sc): This scale contains items concerning odd thoughts, social alienation, sexual difficulties, self-worth, impulse control, and family relationships.
- Hypomania (Ma): The hypomania scale looks into overactivity, elevated and unstable mood, egocentricity, grandiosity, and racing thoughts.
- Social Introversion (Si): This scale measures avoiding social interactions, lacking social skills, and preferring to isolate.
However, the IDR-MPTT is not equivalent to the MMPI-2, and the two should not be construed as identical.
Despite being crafted and statistically validated by psychology professionals, free online tests such as the present Multiphasic Personality Scales Test do not provide professional assessments or advice of any kind. The scores and accompanying personality snapshots of our Multiphasic Personality Scales Test are intended only for informative and educational purposes and are therefore provided “as-is.” For more detailed information about the present test or any of our other online psychological tests, please refer to our Terms of Service.