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Star Wars Big Five Test

You are here because one of your friends linked you to his or her Star Wars Big Five Test result.

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Your friend is the most like:


"Do or do not. There is no try."

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Explanation of Traits


  • High: Imaginative, intellectual, artistic, seeks adventure, thinks in symbols and abstractions.
  • Low: Practical, realistic, factual, sensible, down-to-earth, prefers familiarity and routine.

Your Friend's Score: Extremely high


  • High: Organized, reliable, self-controlled, orderly, cautious, disciplined, strong sense of duty.
  • Low: Disorganized, spur-of-the-moment, impulsive, procrastinating, finds rules constraining.

Your Friend's Score: Below average


  • High: Extroverted, outgoing, gregarious, enthusiastic, action-oriented, excitable, social.
  • Low: Introverted, reserved, low-key, quiet, disengaged, deliberate, needs time alone.

Your Friend's Score: Below average


  • High: Considerate, altruistic, friendly, generous, sympathetic, modest, trusting, helpful.
  • Low: Critical, confident, self-interested, skeptical, stubborn, unfriendly, uncooperative.

Your Friend's Score: High


  • High: Anxious, fearful, tense, nervous, self-conscious, susceptible to anger and depression.
  • Low: Serene, calm, stable, composed, tranquil, poised, unfazed, few intense emotions.

Your Friend's Score: Average

About Yoda

Yoda was a legendary Jedi Master and stronger than most in his connection with the Force. Small in size but wise and powerful, he trained Jedi for over 800 years, playing integral roles in the Clone Wars, the instruction of Luke Skywalker, and unlocking the path to immortality.

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