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Tag: Harry Potter

Tests pertaining to Harry Potter knowledge and house affiliations.

Hogwarts Test

Hogwarts Test The Hogwarts House test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that has achieved surprising popularity through the success of the Harry Potter franchise.

Potter Pathologies Test

Potter Test This test uses the methodology of professors Dr. Sarah E. Shea (M.D.) and Kevin Gordon (M.D.) to match your personality with one of the Harry Potter characters.

Harry Potter Character Test

Potter Test The Harry Potter Character test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that will match your personality with one of seven main characters from the Harry Potter franchise.

Psychometric Hogwarts House Test

Hogwarts Test This version of the Hogwarts House Test was made by combining input from the scientific Big Five, HEXACO, and Dark Triad models of personality.

Patronus Test

Patronus Test The Patronus Test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test that has achieved surprising popularity through the success of the Harry Potter franchise.

Ilvermorny House Test

Ilvermorny Test The Ilvermorny House Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that will determine what house you belong to in the Ilvermorny school of magic from the Harry Potter franchise.

Potter Pathologies Test

Potter Test This test uses the methodology of professors Dr. Sarah E. Shea (M.D.) and Kevin Gordon (M.D.) to match your personality with one of seven minor characters from the Harry Potter franchise.

Death Eater Test

Death Eater Test The Death Eater Test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test that predicts whether you would have joined the Death Eaters in Harry Potter.

Hogwarts House Alignment Test

Hogwarts Test Hogwarts House Test, featuring the possibility for someone to be a a combination of two Houses or an independent/unaligned wizard.

Hogwarts/Ilvermorny House Test

House Test The Hogwarts/Ilvermorny Test is a composite test that assesses allegiance to each of the eight houses from these schools of magic in the Harry Potter universe.

Harry Potter Knowledge Test

Potter Test The Harry Potter knowledge test will determine how much you know about Harry Potter.