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Viking IQ Test

What is your IQ?

IQ is one of the most solid concepts in social science and is widely agreed to be the most effective way of measuring intelligence. This Viking-themed IQ test was compiled by researchers Jurij and Curry with the aim of mimicking pre-employment assessment tools used in fields where problem-solving and critical thinking skills are crucial under pressure.

What is your IQ? For each of the following questions, indicate your answer below.

This test is in timed mode and has 50 questions. You have 13 minutes to complete as many items as you can in any order you want. Make sure to spend your time wisely. Don't spend too much time on any one item as it can hurt your final score.

You cannot use external help like a calculator, writing things down, or looking things up. All questions must be solved in your head.

The Viking IQ Test was developed by researchers Jurij and Curry and licensed to IDRlabs.

The Viking IQ Test is a widely recognized cognitive assessment tool used to evaluate an individual's intellectual abilities across various domains. Often employed in both professional and educational settings, the test is designed to measure general intelligence, focusing on areas such as problem-solving, verbal reasoning, mathematical skills, and spatial awareness. The test offers a quick yet comprehensive snapshot of an individual's cognitive strengths and weaknesses, making it an essential tool for employers, educators, and researchers alike.

The Viking IQ Test is structured to cover a broad range of cognitive skills, with questions designed to challenge the test-taker's ability to think critically and analytically. The test includes sections that assess verbal reasoning, requiring individuals to comprehend and manipulate language effectively. This might involve interpreting word meanings, understanding analogies, or completing sentences, all of which test the individual's linguistic intelligence and ability to process language-based information.

Mathematical skills are another critical component of the Viking IQ Test. This section evaluates the test-taker's numerical reasoning abilities, testing their proficiency with basic arithmetic, understanding of mathematical concepts, and ability to solve problems involving numbers. These questions are designed to assess not only mathematical knowledge but also the ability to apply logical thinking and problem-solving strategies in situations where numerical data is involved.

Spatial awareness is also tested with questions that require the individual to visualize and manipulate objects in space. This section of the test might involve recognizing patterns, visualizing how shapes fit together, or predicting the outcome of movements in a spatial context. The ability to mentally rotate objects or understand how different parts relate to a whole is crucial for success in this area. Spatial reasoning is often linked to tasks that require navigation, design, and engineering skills, making this section particularly relevant for individuals in technical fields.

Logical reasoning is another key area assessed by the Viking IQ Test. This portion of the test evaluates an individual's ability to recognize patterns, sequences, and relationships between different pieces of information. Logical reasoning questions require the test-taker to think critically, often involving puzzles or sequences that must be completed or analyzed. This section is essential for gauging an individual's ability to approach problems methodically and apply reasoning skills to find solutions.

One of the unique aspects of the Viking IQ Test is its emphasis on both accuracy and speed. The test is designed to not only assess how well an individual can solve problems but also how efficiently they can do so under pressure. This makes the test particularly useful in environments where quick decision-making and problem-solving are crucial, such as in corporate settings or competitive sports. The Viking IQ Test provides a balanced measure of cognitive abilities, ensuring that individuals are tested on their capacity to perform effectively in real-world scenarios.

In addition to its practical applications, the Viking IQ Test is also used in research settings to study cognitive function and intelligence. Researchers use the test to explore the relationships between cognitive abilities and other variables, such as educational attainment, job performance, and even personality traits. The results from the test can offer valuable insights into how different cognitive skills contribute to success in various domains.

Overall, the Viking IQ Test is a versatile and robust tool for assessing intelligence. Its comprehensive approach to measuring different cognitive abilities ensures that individuals are evaluated on a wide range of skills, providing a thorough understanding of their intellectual potential. Whether used for employment screening, educational placement, or research purposes, the Viking IQ Test remains a trusted and reliable measure of cognitive ability.

Free online quizzes such as the present test do not provide professional assessments or recommendations of any kind; the test is provided entirely “as-is.” For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.

Why Use This Test?

1. Free. This test is provided to you free of charge and allows you to obtain your scores related to your IQ.

2. Statistical controls. Test scores are logged into an anonymized database. Statistical analysis of the test is conducted to ensure maximum accuracy and validity of the test scores.

3. Made by professionals. The present test has been made with the input of people who work professionally in psychology and individual differences research.