Wealth Conception Test
A national survey from the Cato Institute reveals that people hold differing views on wealth and work. Not only do these views run very deep, they can also be used to predict people’s political opinions.
What do your attitudes towards wealth and work reveal about your political leanings? For each of the following statements, indicate your level of agreement below.
Question 1 of 26
I dislike rich people.
The IDRlabs Wealth Conception Test (IDR-WCT©) was developed by IDRlabs International. The IDR-WCT is based on results of the Cato Institute 2019 Welfare, Work, and Wealth National Survey, and the subsequent report authored by Cato Institute research fellow Emily Ekins. The IDR-WCT is not associated with the Cato Institute or Emily Ekins.
The IDRlabs Wealth Conception Test utilizes findings from the Cato Institute and researcher Emily Ekins to produce this free online test. The Cato Institute partnered with YouGov to collect responses on this national survey from adult Americans, using an online surveying method. A detailed report of the survey findings was produced by Cato Institute researcher Emily Ekins, entitled “What Americans Think About Poverty, Wealth, and Work.” Survey results were weighted in order to be representative of the national adult sample. IDRlabs International and the present IDRlabs Wealth Conception Test are independent from any of the above stated researchers and research organizations.
The Wealth Conception Test was developed by professionals certified in the provision and interpretation of numerous psychological measures, and who have worked in various fields of psychology including political psychology, typology, and personality testing. Free online tests such as the Wealth Conception Test are intended to be informative and educational initial considerations of the construct being measured; they should, therefore, not be understood to be a definitive answer regarding one’s political leanings or views, or one’s attitudes about poverty, wealth, and work.
Though developed and statistically validated by professionals, free online tests such as this one should not be misconstrued as providing professional assessments or recommendations of any kind; the results and accompanying personality snapshots of our free online Wealth Conception Test are provided “as-is.” For more information on our Wealth Conception Test and our other online psychological tests, please consult our Terms of Service.