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Chud-Normie-Woke Test

The Chud-Normie-Woke Dial is a satirical tool used to categorize people’s reactions to political or cultural shifts in media, especially within franchises with long-standing fanbases, such as Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, Dungeons & Dragons, and others. Whether you're a fierce Chud defending the old ways, a carefree Normie blissfully coasting through life, or a Woke warrior leading the charge for progressive change, this “just for fun” test will determine your stance with dubious accuracy.

Where do you fall on the Chud-Normie-Woke Dial? For each of the following statements, indicate your answer below and discover where your perspective aligns.

Question 1 of 19

Content creators must address real-world diversity issues if they want to stay relevant in today’s landscape.



The Chud-Normie-Woke Dial Test was created by IDRlabs.

The Chud-Normie-Woke Dial Test is a satirical tool used to categorize people's reactions to cultural, political, and social shifts in popular media, particularly within franchises with long-standing fanbases like Warhammer 40k, Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, and more. The premise of the test is to place individuals along a spectrum based on their perspectives and opinions on issues such as inclusivity, diversity, representation, and tradition in these media spaces.

At its core, the test plays off three archetypes—Chud, Normie, and Woke—each representing a different reaction to cultural changes in media.

Chud: This term is a slang term used to describe someone with more reactionary, traditional, or even conservative views. In the context of this test, a "Chud" is someone who resists or rejects the increasing presence of diversity, inclusivity, or modern social themes in their beloved franchises. They may express frustration over changes in canon, the introduction of characters from minority groups, or a perceived loss of the "core" identity of a story or game. For instance, Warhammer 40k has seen backlash from certain fans who are critical of recent shifts in representation, such as the introduction of female Custodians​. These "Chuds" view such changes as unwelcome disruptions to the traditional lore.

Normie: A "Normie" is someone who generally doesn't engage deeply in debates about political correctness or cultural shifts. They're more likely to approach their hobbies and media consumption with a neutral or carefree attitude, enjoying the content for what it is without getting caught up in controversies. Normies are generally indifferent to discussions around inclusion, representation, or tradition and simply want to consume the media they enjoy without overthinking these dynamics. The term is often used humorously to denote someone who isn’t entrenched in online debates, opting instead to casually enjoy their favorite franchises like Star Wars or Dungeons & Dragons without engaging with deeper political or cultural discussions.

Woke: In contrast, those identified as "Woke" are advocates of progressive change in media. They support inclusivity, diversity, and representation, celebrating efforts to include underrepresented groups in storytelling. For example, when Warhammer 40k introduced a canonically female Custodian, many hailed it as a positive move toward better gender representation in a franchise that has been largely male-dominated​ (Steam Community). Woke individuals in fan communities are often vocal about the need for more inclusive narratives, seeing these developments as long-overdue progress.

The Chud-Normie-Woke Dial Test offers a humorous way for fans to reflect on their own views regarding these cultural shifts. The test categorizes people by asking them to respond to various statements about changes in beloved franchises. These statements could range from opinions on gender representation in games, race in casting choices, or whether political correctness has "gone too far." Based on their responses, the test assigns them a spot on the "dial," with "Chud" on one end, "Woke" on the other, and "Normie" in the middle.

The test is meant to be taken lightly, poking fun at the often intense reactions that arise when franchises evolve or adapt to more modern sensibilities. While some people may take the labels seriously, the point of the test is to create a playful examination of the debates that occur in fan communities when old traditions clash with new cultural norms. Importantly, the test doesn’t present one category as inherently superior to another; rather, it highlights the spectrum of opinions that exist and encourages self-awareness about how people engage with media in a changing cultural landscape.

Ultimately, the Chud-Normie-Woke Dial Test serves as both a critique and a reflection of modern fandom, where even fictional universes can become battlegrounds for real-world cultural debates. It offers a satirical take on the tensions between preserving tradition and embracing change, helping fans consider where they stand in a landscape where media increasingly reflects the diversity of the world around us.

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Why Use This Test?

1. Free. The Chud-Normie-Woke Dial Test is provided to you free of charge.

2. Statistical controls. Test scores are logged into an anonymized database. Statistical analysis of the test is conducted to ensure maximum accuracy and validity of the test scores.

3. Made by professionals. The present test has been made with the input of people who work professionally in psychology and individual differences research.