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根据副教授Michael R. Levenson的研究,精神病测试是测量一个人精神病程度的一种方法,并经过科学验证。广泛应用于评估非制度化群体的精神病特征。






IDR-PST©为 IDR 国际实验室所有。最初的研究由心理学副教授Michael R. Levenson提供。IDR-PCT利用了Levenson的研究,但与Levenson无关,也不等同于Levenson自评精神病量表。本测试绝未由Levenson、Hare、及其同事、或类似实体认可,亦不隶属于它们。本测试不存在任何侵权行为。

The Psychopathy Spectrum Test developed by Professor Michael R. Levenson is a psychological assessment designed to measure psychopathic traits in individuals. Unlike traditional views of psychopathy as a black-and-white diagnosis, Levenson’s approach treats psychopathy as a spectrum, suggesting that psychopathic traits can vary in degree from person to person. His test is based on the idea that many people exhibit traits associated with psychopathy to some extent, and these traits exist on a continuum, rather than being limited to those diagnosed with clinical psychopathy.

Levenson’s model distinguishes between two primary factors: primary psychopathy and secondary psychopathy. Primary psychopathy is characterized by a lack of empathy, shallow emotions, and a tendency to manipulate others for personal gain. Individuals with high primary psychopathy scores are often seen as charming, calculating, and callous, showing little concern for the well-being of others. They tend to exhibit a fearless dominance and a sense of superiority, thriving on control and manipulation without feeling guilt or remorse.

Secondary psychopathy, on the other hand, is associated with impulsivity, emotional instability, and a tendency toward risk-taking behaviors. Individuals scoring high on secondary psychopathy may engage in reckless actions without considering consequences, often driven by anxiety, frustration, or emotional needs. Unlike primary psychopathy, where emotions are shallow, secondary psychopathy involves more intense emotions but with poor regulation and a tendency to act out.

Levenson’s Psychopathy Spectrum Test is often used in both research and clinical settings to better understand the complexity of psychopathic traits. Rather than focusing solely on extreme cases of psychopathy, the test reveals how certain psychopathic characteristics may be present in varying degrees across the general population. This understanding of psychopathy as a spectrum has broadened the scope of how these traits are perceived and has provided a more nuanced view of human personality.


虽然所有测试均旨在测量精神病倾向和行为,但不得将IDR-PST©与其他由选择性研究机构编写的“精神病检查表测试”相混淆。但所有这些经专业设计的性格测试(或量表),均旨在测量西方与精神疾病倾向相关的精神病倾向和行为。IDR-PST©为 IDR 国际实验室所有。最初的研究由心理学副教授Michael R. Levenson提供。本测试的作者具有众多不同的性格测试使用证书,并专业从事心理测验学和性格测试。我们的在线精神病图谱性格测试结果仅以教学为目的,并按“按原样”提供,不得解释为任何类型的专业或认证建议。关于我们在线性格测试的更多信息,请查阅我们的服务条款


1. 免费。本在线精神病谱系测试免费,旨在全面衡量您与精神病谱系相关的性格和行为性格特征。您无需为本在线精神病谱系测试付费。

2. 全面。本精神病谱系测试将帮助调查对象了解他们的性格中是否存在精神病要素。根据副教授Michael R. Levenson的研究,本测试亦可解释常被争论的精神病亚维度。


4. 有效性和可靠性。实证检验表明,精神病谱系测试在科学上具有有效性。证据已经在诸如人格与社会心理学杂志等科学期刊上进行过探讨。

5. 统计管理。 测试分数已录入匿名数据库中。对测试进行统计分析,确保测试分数的准确性和有效性最高。