Dark Triad Magnet Test
Are you an easy victim of Dark Triad Personalities?
Individuals high in Dark Triad traits are attracted to people who are susceptible to manipulation. This test assesses whether you are liable to attract Dark Triad personalities across 11 different domains.
Inspired by research exploring vulnerability to manipulative, self-centered, and callous behaviors, the Dark Triad Magnet test provides a composite image of your potential attractiveness to dark personalities and susceptibility to being exploited by Dark Triad behaviors.
Are you a Dark Triad magnet? For each of the following statements, indicate how well it describes you below.
Question 1 of 44
I don’t take risks.
Disagree | Agree |
The IDRLabs Dark Triad Magnet test is based on scientific research into vulnerability to Dark Triad behaviors and dark personality traits.
The IDRLabs concept of the “Dark Triad Magnet” represents an individual who seemingly consistently attracts, gravitates toward, and forms relationships with individuals exhibiting dark personality traits. The Dark Triad refers to a trio of personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. The concept of the Dark Triad Magnet points to the propensity of certain individuals to unintentionally draw the attention and interest of those possessing these qualities. The Dark Triad Magnet, often unknowingly, becomes an alluring force for those who exhibit manipulative tendencies, a lack of empathy, and self-centeredness. A Dark Triad Magnet tends to unknowingly attract and gravitate towards people possessing these traits due to various factors, including their own vulnerabilities or a subconscious attraction to the enigmatic and alluring qualities often associated with these traits.
Laxity: Reflects a reduced inclination towards self-discipline, organization, and goal-directed behaviors. Laxity refers to the tendency to exhibit a more relaxed and lenient approach to tasks and responsibilities, often resulting in a decreased commitment to completing tasks on time and maintaining a structured lifestyle. Individuals high in laxity might struggle with procrastination, impulsivity, and difficulty adhering to routines. They may prioritize immediate gratification over long-term goals and find it challenging to sustain efforts that require consistent self-control.
Neuroticism: Denotes the tendency of individuals to experience negative emotions, such as anxiety, sadness, and irritability more frequently and intensely than those lower in neuroticism. It reflects a dispositional susceptibility to react with heightened emotional responses to various stressors and challenges in life. Individuals high in neuroticism often exhibit a greater inclination to worry, rumination, and emotional instability. They may find it challenging to manage stress effectively, leading to prolonged negative emotions.
Agreeableness: Represents an individual’s propensity to display warmth, empathy, and a cooperative nature in their interpersonal interactions. It refers to the extent to which a person is considerate, trusting, and willing to help others. Those high in agreeableness tend to prioritize harmony and maintain positive relationships, often showing concern for others’ well-being and displaying a proclivity for compromise in situations of conflict. This trait underscores a person’s capacity for compassion, altruism, and understanding.
Weak Support: Denotes a socio-psychological condition that refers to lacking substantial social networks or reliable assistance from family, friends, or community. It signifies the absence of strong emotional bonds and practical aid during times of need or crisis. People experiencing weak support often confront challenges without the reassurance of accessible support, leading to increased vulnerability. This circumstance refers to a reduced capacity to rely on others for emotional, financial, or practical support. Individuals with weak support might struggle to cope with life's demands, as they lack the relational safety net that buffering close relationships can provide.
Insecurity: Represents a pervasive feeling of uncertainty, self-doubt, and apprehension regarding one's own abilities, worth, or position. It refers to an internal state characterized by a lack of confidence and a heightened sensitivity to potential threats, often leading to excessive worry and fear of rejection or failure. Individuals experiencing high levels of insecurity tend to constantly seek external validation and reassurance to alleviate their feelings of inadequacy. Insecurity can manifest in various aspects of life, including relationships, work, and personal aspirations. It often stems from a deep-seated fear of being judged or not measuring up to perceived standards.
Approval-seeking: Reflects an elevated desire for recognition, validation, and acceptance from others. It involves seeking external affirmation and often placing a significant emphasis on the opinions and judgments of others in shaping one's self-esteem and self-worth. Individuals high in this need for approval prioritize conforming to societal norms and tend to adapt their behavior to gain acceptance. A need for approval can have both positive and negative consequences. On one hand, seeking approval can foster social connections and motivate prosocial behavior. On the other hand, an excessive need for approval can lead to anxiety, stress, vulnerability, and a compromised sense of authenticity.
Conflict Avoidance: Denotes a tendency to avoid expressing one’s own needs, opinions, or preferences in interpersonal interactions. It involves a reluctance to stand up for oneself, voice concerns, or assert personal boundaries, often leading to compliance with others' wishes even when they contradict one's own desires. Conflict avoidance can arise from a variety of factors, including fear of conflict, low self-esteem, or a desire to avoid upsetting others. Individuals high in conflict avoidance may prioritize maintaining harmony and avoiding confrontation over expressing their own needs.
Childhood Trauma: Denotes the phenomenon where individuals who have experienced traumatic events during their childhood, may come to subconsciously view these experiences as normal or even expected aspects of their upbringing and later life. It involves adapting to adverse circumstances by perceiving, e.g., manipulative behaviors as typical occurrences, thereby minimizing the recognition of their damaging effects. Individuals who have undergone childhood trauma may downplay the impact of their experiences due to a lack of contrasting reference points. This can lead to long-term consequences, including difficulties in recognizing harmful behaviors and the need to seek support.
Naiveté: Reflects a lack of worldly experience or a simple and unsophisticated understanding of complex social and practical matters. It pertains to a person's innocence or lack of awareness regarding the intricacies and subtleties of human interactions, societal dynamics, or potential risks. Individuals characterized by naivety may display a degree of gullibility or susceptibility to manipulation due to their limited exposure to the nuances of various situations. Naivety can influence decision-making and interpersonal relationships, often leading to trusting behaviors and perceptions that others might find overly optimistic or unrealistic.
Sensation-seeking: Denotes a strong inclination towards seeking novel, thrilling, and intense experiences in a spontaneous and impulsive manner. Individuals with high levels of sensation-seeking tend to actively pursue activities that provide immediate excitement, regardless of potential risks or consequences. This trait refers to a tendency to engage in impulsive behaviors such as risky sports, impromptu adventures, or thrill-seeking activities, often driven by the desire to experience intense sensations and arousal.
Promiscuity: Represents a pattern of engaging in multiple and often casual sexual relationships without exclusive commitment. This behavior refers to a tendency to involve oneself in fleeting intimate encounters, frequently with varying partners. Promiscuity is marked by a reduced emphasis on emotional or long-term connections, instead prioritizing physical pleasure and variety.
The Dark Triad Magnet test is inspired by research into dark triad personality traits and related vulnerability and risk factors. While the Dark Triad Magnet test is based on scientific research, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or accurate evaluations of your personality. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.