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Tag: Narcissism

Tests pertaining to narcissistic traits and behaviors.

Dark Core Test

Dark Core Test Based on the work of researchers Mashagen, Ph.D., Hilbig, Ph.D., and Zettler, Ph.D., this test will measure whether there is a dark core to your personality.

Dark Triad Test

Dark Triad Test Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy are considered to be "dark" personality traits, but people with these traits are also perceived to be leader-like. This test will measure your dark traits.

Big Tent Dark Traits Test

Dark Traits Test The Big Tent Dark Traits Test analyzes your tendencies towards Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, spitefulness, greed, perfectionism, and dependency.

Narcissism Test

Narcissism Test This classic test, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), is one of the most widely used in psychology. It is designed to measure subclinical narcissism in the general population.

3 Minute Narcissism Test

Narcissism Test Based on the work of Dr. Robert Raskin, Ph.D. and Calvin Hall, Ph.D., this narcissism test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good scientific validity.

Dark Core Faces Test

Faces Test Based on the work of social psychologist Nicholas Holtzman Ph.D., this test determines whether you are able to identify dark traits in people.

Dirty Dozen Test

Dirty Dozen Test Based on the work of researchers P.K. Jonason and G.D. Webster, the Dirty Dozen test is a shortened version of the Dark Triad test, which measures three dark traits.

Covert Narcissism Test

Narcissism Test The Covert Narcissism Test analyzes the self-reporting of feelings and behaviors associated with maladaptive covert-vulnerable narcissism.

Light Triad Test

Light Triad Test The Light Triad Test is a counterpart to the Dark Triad Test. It measures the prosocial traits of empathy, compassion, and altruism.

Narcissism Spectrum Test

Narcissism Test The Narcissism Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze narcissistic symptoms across 8 different domains.

Dark Quad Test

Dark Quad Test The Dark Quad test is a proposed innovation on the Dark Triad Test, which includes the element of sadism along with the traditional Dark Triad traits.

3 Minute Closet Narcissism Test

Narcissism Test Based on the work of Dr. Jonathan M. Cheek, Ph.D., this Closet Narcissism test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Egocentrism Test

Egocentric Test Based on the work of Professor Aaron Beck, the Egocentrism Test assesses characteristics associated with selfish tendencies.

Cluster B Indicators Test

Cluster B Test This test assesses personal features associated with stereotypical Cluster B personality structure behaviors.

Entitlement Test

Entitlement Test Based on the Multidimensional Entitlement Scale, the Entitlement Test assesses personality traits related to entitlement across six different domains.

Communal Narcissism Test

Narcissism Test Based on research from Heidelberg University, the Communal Narcissism Test evaluates whether you have tendencies toward communal narcissism.

Narcissistic Tendencies Test

Narcissism Test Based on the Narcissistic Tendencies and Traits Inventory (NTTI), the Narcissistic Tendencies Test assesses characteristics associated with narcissism.