Fear of Spiders Test
Fear of spiders, or arachnophobia, is an intense dread of spiders. Many people are afraid of spiders but some people are so afraid that their symptoms may include nausea, trembling, panic, and/or shortness of breath.
This assessment will determine how afraid you are of spiders, based on the scientific Fear of Spiders Questionnaire (FSQ), as authored by Jeff Szymanski and William O'Donohue.
For each of the following statements, indicate your level of agreement below.
Question 1 of 18
I worry a lot about spiders.
Disagree | Agree |
The IDRlabs Fear of Spiders Test was developed by IDRlabs International. It is based on the Fear of Spiders Questionnaire (FSQ) as authored by Jeff Szymanski and William O'Donohue but not associated with these researchers or their institutions.
Examples of Fear of Spiders Feedback may include: Your results indicate no or very low fear of spiders. When encountering a spider, you are unlikely to experience symptoms beyond what is normal in terms of nervous system arousal. For you, such experiences are not accompanied by an excessive feeling of fear or dread. You are perfectly capable of observing and handling spiders without significant discomfort. While you might not be especially attracted to spiders, you find it difficult to relate to the intense fear they can evoke in other people. Picking up a spider and carrying it outdoors is, to you, a relatively ordinary and far from upsetting experience. In the absence of arachnophobic symptoms, you can move with ease and confidence in a wide range of environments, including natural spider habitats such as forests. Similarly, you are not limited in your media consumption due to fear of encountering video footage or other references to spiders. Given that researchers largely agree that arachnophobia is a learned trait, it is likely that other people in your family – especially those who acted as your caregivers as a child – also share your relative indifference to spiders.
Psychology professionals experienced in the use and scoring of numerous psychometric assessments and measures of personality have created the IDRlabs Fear of Spiders Test. The present test does use genuine psychometric items to determine users’ best match based on various components of their response to spiders. The test is based on the “Fear of Spiders Questionnaire” (FSQ) authored by Szymanski and O\’Donohue and published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry in 1995.
Online quizzes related to the fear of spiders, whether they are professional, educational, or for entertainment purposes only, can only provide primary considerations of some aspects of your personality. Regarding the current test specifically, your assessment scores will provide information about the severity of your fear of spiders. Despite the scientific nature of its creation and construction, no test ever developed can assess your psychological traits with complete accuracy or replace educating yourself about the relevant personality theories and models. For more information regarding the aforementioned phobia specifically, you can refer to published, peer-reviewed academic papers on the topic of arachnophobia.
As the developers and publishers of this Fear of Spiders Test, we have striven to make sure the quiz is as complete and accurate as possible by subjecting it to statistical controls and validation. Before taking our free online assessment, please remember that the test is provided “as-is” for entertainment purposes and should not be misconstrued as providing professional advice or recommendations of any kind. If you would like additional information about the present test or any of our other online tests, please refer to our Terms of Service.