Our work has been featured and endorsed in multiple publications. Read what they had to say.
Salman Rushdie
![Salman Rushdie](/static/i/testimonials/salman-rushdie-testimonial.jpg)
I came out ENFP [on the test], then found myself listed as a 'famous ENFP'. ... How did they know?
Steven Pinker
![Steven Pinker](/static/i/testimonials/pinker.jpg)
I've enjoyed your site.
Richard Noll
![Richard Noll](/static/i/testimonials/richard-noll-small.jpg)
Your work on Jung is critical and well-researched. You are doing interesting work on your website.
Cas Mudde
![Cas Mudde](/static/i/testimonials/cas-mudde.jpg)
Some [of the questions on their Feminism Test] are quite thought-provoking.
Soren Hviid Pedersen
![Soren Hviid Pedersen](/static/i/testimonials/soren-hviid-pedersen.jpg)
[Their Political Coordinates test] seems to me to be quite good. The questions are insightful and cover both dimensions well.
American Psycho. Assoc.
Examples of online studies offering enjoyable feedback include [their] Big Five Test.
We're really impressed with your website.
We like the lists you have ... absolutely well thought out. ... You have done a stand up job with the process and the content is solid.
It was very fun [to take the Jung test and] to recognize yourself in so many elements, almost all in fact.
The questions and results [on their Freud test] illustrate Freud's ideas and may spark class discussion.
The distinct psychological characteristics defined in Jungian typology ... have been applied ... by the team at the highly entertaining website IDR Labs.
[In our research we made use of IDR Labs'] publicly published research dataset. ... This was one of the most authentic reserves we found. ... Extensive [analyses of] cognitive functions have been used [by them] to derive the psychology of the given personalities.
Personality tests like [their Jung test] can help you take that first step towards understanding yourself better.
Once the cognitive style of each student was determined, information about famous people with the same style was also provided [via IDRLabs.com]. Students seemed to enjoy this process, as ... depicted by their reactions.
[Their Political Coordinates Test is] objectively oriented and scientific. Exciting results await, we were ... quite surprised!
[Their Political Coordinates test is] interesting to take, and entertaining as well!
Milo Yiannopoulos
![Milo Yiannopoulos](/static/i/testimonials/milo-yiannopoulos.jpg)
[I got 93% Traditionalism on the Feminism Test, but] I'm not sure about some of those categories at the end. 'Radical,' 'cultural' and 'Marxist' [feminism] seem to be different descriptions of the same system of feminism to me.
Daniel J. Mitchell
![Daniel J. Mitchell](/static/i/testimonials/daniel-mitchell.jpg)
[Their Left / Right Lifestyle Test captures] something important. There is research indicating that people’s policy views are largely determined by underlying values.
![Isabel Briggs Myers Memorial Library](/static/i/testimonials/milo-logo.jpg)
![Social Democratic Party of Germany](/static/i/testimonials/SPD_logo.png)
![National Conservative Party of Italy](/static/i/testimonials/fratelli-ditalia-2.jpg)
![Danube University Krems](/static/i/testimonials/Danube_Logo.png)
![University of San Carlos Guatemala](/static/i/testimonials/carolina-academia3.jpg)
![Socialist Party of France](/static/i/testimonials/parti-socialiste.png)
![University of Guadalajara](/static/i/testimonials/guadalajara.png)
![Green Liberal Party of Switzerland](/static/i/testimonials/Green_Liberal_Party_of_Switzerland_logo.gif)
![UK Independence Party](/static/i/testimonials/ukip.jpg)
![Maynooth University](/static/i/testimonials/Maynooth-University-Logo.jpg)
![Industrial University of Santander](/static/i/testimonials/UIS.png)
![university of birmingham](/static/i/testimonials/university-of-birmingham.jpg)
![Foundation for Economic Education](/static/i/testimonials/FEE-logo.jpg)
![National University of Columbia](/static/i/testimonials/337.original.png)
![The Blaze](/static/i/testimonials/499px-TheBlaze_new_logo.svg.png)
![Fox News Channel](/static/i/testimonials/512px-Fox_News_Channel_logo.svg.png)
![The Daily Wire](/static/i/testimonials/the-daily-wire.png)
![Harvard Business Review](/static/i/testimonials/HBR-logo-official-300x175.png)
![Tools for Racial Justice](/static/i/testimonials/tools-for-racial-justice.png)
![Duke University](/static/i/testimonials/pngkey.com-duke-logo-png-1777422.png)
![New York Times](/static/i/testimonials/New_York_Times_logo_variation.jpg)