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Psychopathy Test

You are here because one of your friends linked you to their Psychopathy Test result:

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Your friend's psychopathy scores are:

Your Friend
Psychopathy Threshold
Population Average
Result chart

This makes your friend 68.5% more psychopathic than the average person.

Your friend qualifies as a psychopath on the Psychopathy Checklist.

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Explanation of Factors:

Psychopathic Interpersonal Style denotes selfishness, callousness, and the remorseless use of others. People high in this trait are characterized by shallow emotional lives, superficial charm, manipulativeness, and a lack of empathy.

Psychopathic Lifestyle indicates a tendency towards a chronically unstable, antisocial, and socially deviant lifestyle. Other elements of this style include sensation-seeking, irresponsibility, inability to hold a normal job, and/or the inability to maintain non-dysfunctional relationships.

Overt Antisocial Features include reactive anger, criminality, and a lack of impulse control. The likelihood is low that people who rate high in this dimension will mend their ways.

Total Psychopathy denotes the person’s total psychopathy score. Individuals in the 75-100% range are considered psychopaths on the Psychopathy Checklist. Individuals with scores below 75% are not.


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