Celine Dion Quotes
Quotes by and about Celine Dion
(Continued from her main entry on the site.)
Dion: "My greatest reward is my children. Unless you are a mom you don't know what you're missing or what it even is really. It felt for me that with all my children another heart grew inside of me. I don't believe in the umbilical chord being cut. For me it's never cut, once you're a mom you're a mom for life - it gives you true meaning to your life and it's the most important job. Who cares if people like me as a singer or not, they can find other singers and there will be other singers. But no other mother can be a better mother for my children than me. My children trust me so much, they need me so much - that is priceless to me."
Dion: "[Living in Las Vegas is] not what people think; where I live it's far from the Las Vegas strip and there's schools and stores and people just live normal everyday lives going to church, going to work and people have regular dreams and hopes. There's a real sense of normality otherwise I would not live there."
Dion: "[Being] an open book all my life has helped me tremendously. I talk so much that, when people write songs for me, they don't have to meet me. They know me very well. They write exactly the songs that I want."
[On her fame and wealth:]
Dion: "I work hard. But a lot of people work hard and they don't have anything. I was very fortunate."
[On how she spends her spare time:]
Dion: "I love to take leftovers and make them look better. I play golf once in a while. I don't like to go to movies at all.
I feel it's losing time. I should do something with my body, not just sit there. I prefer to plant a garden or clean out some drawers,
give some old clothes away."
Dion: "You have to go ahead and pursue all the possible and impossible ideas you can."
Carl Wilson: "There's something endearingly gawky and weird about her."
Fab Magazine: "Celine Dion is nothing if not honest - probably too honest."