Famous ESFJs

Harry S. Truman
U.S. President (D)
Truman: "I like to live and do things for people and think of the other fellow's troubles instead of my own."
[On his socializing with White House employees:]
Truman: "The rule around here is that [employees may not] speak to the President. I break it every day and make 'em speak to me."
Truman: "To tell the truth [about my childhood] I was kind of a sissy."
Truman: "I like people and like to help 'em and keep 'em out of trouble when I can."
Truman: "I wonder why nearly everyone makes a father confessor out of me."
Keirsey & son identify Truman as STJ.

Gerald Ford
U.S. President (R)
Ford: "[During my presidency] there has been a restoration of faith and confidence and trust ... because I have been open, candid and forthright."
Ford: "[When a] person knows that he disappointed you, [rubbing] it in makes it ... impossible to get his cooperation."
Ford: "It's ... the ordinary, the straight, the square, that accounts for the great stability and success of our nation."
Steven J. Rubenzer: "Ford liked to keep everything in its place [and] did not overcomplicate issues."
Brian Schwartz: "Gerald Ford very much resembles Harry Truman."

Kamala Harris
U.S. Vice President (D)
Harris: "You have to see and smell and feel the circumstances of people to really understand them."
Harris: "It is often the mastery of the seemingly unimportant details, the careful execution of the tedious tasks ... that make the changes we seek possible."
National Press: "One trait of ... Kamala Harris that is ... that she is empathetic and reaches out to people."
Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics: "[She is] well-equipped to rally, energize, and motivate."
Washington Post: "She doesn't get lost in airy platitudes or in the weeds of policy ... call it connectivity or empathy ... you cannot fake it."
The Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics identifies Harris as an extrovert.

Colin Powell
U.S. general and Secretary of State (R)
Powell: "Leadership is all about human connections. It's all about conveying to the followers that you believe in them ... and that we are all in this together."
Powell: "Loyalty is a trait that I value, and yes - I am loyal."
Powell: "I will take care of you, you will take care of me, we will sacrifice for one another. That's what keeps a military unit bonded together."
Powell: "The closer [soldiers] are to danger, the more closely they work together, and the more they become a family."
Powell: "[I am] always being amazed at the resilience that comes out of the heartland of the country, out of the people of the United States."

Francis: "Get to know each other, listen to each other and improve our knowledge of the world."
Francis: "I'm so grateful to my father for making me work [at age 13]. ... Work anoints a person with dignity."
Francis: "[We should start] from ... where we are. That means being able to do the little things of every day with a big heart open to ... others. That means being able to appreciate the small things."
Francis: "[I want to have] dialogue with all ... simple piety, a certain naivete. ... [To be] available straight away ... [and to be] gentle and loving."
America Magazine: "[He has a] smile that opens hearts."

Andrew Carnegie
Industrialist and philanthropist
Carnegie: "[One should] be gentle in tone and manner [and] polite and courteous to all."
Carnegie: "[When] speaking ... make yourself perfectly at home before your audience, and simply talk to them, not at them."
Carnegie: "I determined that the proper policy was 'to put all good eggs in one basket' and then watch that basket."
[His wife:] "[He was] always patient, considerate, cheerful, grateful for any little pleasure or service, never thinking of himself."
[His assistant:] "Carnegie's sunny personality radiated warmth and light [and] he loved to find his own joy of living reflected by those about him."

Sam Walton
Founder of Walmart
Walton: "I'm a friendly fellow by nature."
Walton: "One person seeking glory doesn't accomplish much; at Wal-Mart, everything we've done has been the result of people pulling together to meet one common goal - teamwork."
[Walmart employee #1:] "He took a genuine interest in all of us."
[Walmart employee #2:] "He was the most down-to-earth, natural guy to talk to."
[Walmart employee #3:] "He really cared. He really listened."

Andy Rooney
Journalist, talk show host and author
Rooney: "The best [thing a] writer can do is put [a familiar] idea in words. ... This produces the warm bond between reader and writer that they're both after because it feels so good."
Rooney: "Pride in family, pride in teammates, pride in hometown [and pride in country] bring out the best in groups of people."
Rooney: "All men are not created equal but should be treated as though they were."
Rooney: "Don't rule out working with your hands. It does not preclude using your head."
Rooney: "We need people who can actually do things. We have too many bosses and too few workers."

John Boehner
U.S. Congressman (R) and Speaker of the House
Boehner: "I'm what you'd call a regular guy with a big job."
[Asked about his job as a salesman:]
Boehner: "I was the most straightforward salesman there was. I wanted to get my cards on the table as quickly as I could and encourage the guy across the table to put his cards on the table [as well]."
[High school football coach:] "He was ... a compassionate and caring team player."
Sabrina Eaton: "Boehner has perfected the art of disagreeing without being disagreeable."

Sarah Palin
U.S. Governor and vice presidential candidate (R)
Palin: "I'm just one of many moms who will say an extra prayer each night for our sons and daughters going into harm's way."
Palin: "We need leaders who will stand up for the little guy and listen once again."
Palin: "Each of us knows that we have an obligation to care for the old, the young and the sick. We stand strongest when we stand with the weakest among us."

Rick Santorum
U.S. Congressman and presidential candidate (R)
Santorum: "I'm very comfortable that I've got a record that is exactly in line with the people of my state."
Santorum: "I'm the steady guy. I'm the guy that's going to be there every day saying the same thing, going out there and fighting for the [same] convictions ... that I practice in my life."
Santorum: "Newt Gingrich is a brilliant guy who has tons of ideas. The issue is discipline."

Joachim von Ribbentrop
Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany
Ribbentrop: "[Hitler] could be very friendly and affectionate towards me one day, and then the next time I met him he could criticize me. ... I was his most loyal follower and his accusations hurt me."
Ribbentrop: "Sometimes tears came to my eyes when I was with Hitler and he told me of all the good things he would do for the people - vacations, highways, new public facilities ... and the like."
Francis Starke: "Ribbentrop loved costume [parties] and [ten-step] dancing. ... He would dance with anybody."
Eric A. Zillmer: "[At the Nuremberg Trials] the psychological test profiles on Ribbentrop [came out] quite ordinary."
At the Nuremberg Trials, Ribbentrop's IQ was tested to be 129.
ESFJs in popular culture

Larry King
Talk show host and author
[Asked how to be a successful broadcaster:]
King: "Share ... how you feel. ... [That way] the viewers are all in [your] boat: We're going through this together."
King: "Occasionally someone [on my staff] will call me 'boss'. That makes me cringe. I just happen to be the host. We all work together."
[His daughter:] "He is actually very traditional."

Regis Philbin
Talk show host
Philbin: "[The song 'What a Wonderful World'] helped cheer an entire nation wallowing in hard times together. ... Dependable as could be, Bing Crosby was the friend who could always be counted on."
Larry King: "Regis ... obviously knows there's nothing wrong with showing a sentimental side if it's a sentimental moment, or fear or sadness or whatever the story or guest might involve."

Barbara Walters
Talk show host and author, dated Alan Greenspan
Walters: "Compassion and understanding ... These feelings [are] important to me in interviewing."
Walters: "[I would like] a world of more compassion and a world of more humanity, and to believe in the basic goodness of man."
Walters: "Show me someone who never gossips, and I will show you someone who is not interested in people."
Keirsey & son identify Walters as ESFJ.

Chris Wallace
Journalist and host of 'Fox News Sunday'
Wallace: "[My book is] a feel-good book about American democracy."
Wallace: "Watching President Reagan, I saw that the presidency is not an exercise in intellect or ideology. It is a test of ... purpose."

Anne Hathaway
Hathaway: "I want to be a mother, and I anticipate loving my children quite fiercely."
Hathaway: "I love the idea of being completely devoted to service [with] zero vanity."
Hathaway: "The thing that I'm most worried about [in life] is just being alone without anybody to care for."
Hathaway: "There's something very addictive about people pleasing. It's a thought pattern and a habit that feels really, really good."
Hathaway: "I love [fashion]. ... I love the thought that people put into clothes [and] I love when clothes make cultural statements."
Manny de la Rosa: "[In person she is] sweet and down-to-earth ... humble and gentle."

Penelope Cruz
Actress, dated Tom Cruise
Cruz: "[Dancing] was my first contact with something [where I could] communicate feelings through something that was not words. I found I could communicate much more fully that way."
[On winning an Oscar:]
Cruz: "In that moment, so many things from all the years went through my mind - so many faces of those who have been so supportive."
Pedro Almodovar: "Penelope is very maternal. When we're walking down the street and she sees a baby, even if she doesn't know the parents ... she runs up to play with it."
Kevin Loader: "[She is] very natural and unguarded, without a trace of Hollywood nonsense to her."

Jennifer Garner
Actress, was married to Ben Affleck
Garner: "I [always] understood very well how to be nice and how to take care of people."
Garner: "I am patient and I like to take care of everyone."
Garner: "I love the feeling of being on a team, [working] together, sharing [things]. ... I just love the community of it, the way you all come together and pitch in."
Garner: "I'm a peace-maker; I can fit into a lot of situations. I'm pretty easygoing. I have a lot of patience."
Marie Claire Magazine: "She is warm and likeable."

Jessica Chastain
Chastain: "What I crave is the experience of working with an ensemble, creating that feeling of camaraderie."
Chastain: "I love meeting ... filmmakers ... and new actors [and] encouraging them. I just love that kind of community of ... people creating something together."
Chastain: "I really think you get back what you put out into the world. I am a strong believer of that."
Interview Magazine: "In person, Chastain is sweet and earnest."
The Guardian: "[She is] sunny, chatty ... [and] brimming with enthusiasm."
GQ Magazine: "[Her roles] had us suspecting she's delightfully authentic in real life. We were right."

Whitney Houston
Houston: "When you have a group of people coming together ... it's a feeling that's indescribable."
Houston: "I feel I have a responsibility to everybody. [My] music has a major impact on people's minds, on the way they think and the way they feel."
Jordin Sparks: "Whitney's very motherly, very nurturing, very sweet."
Lady Gaga: "Whitney is the biggest influence on me. She is the greatest of all time. Of all time."

Mariah Carey
Carey: "I try to be nice and cordial."
Carey: "Some of my friends shock me with their stories of sex escapades and I think it's funny. I say: 'Be you, do what you want.' And they laugh at me because they know I'm a prude."
Kian Egan: "Mariah [is] really nice [and] very down to earth."

Celine Dion
Dion: "To have true values is to be solid. ... Whatever you achieve in life you can sustain with the right attitude."
Dion: "Be considerate, generous and ... treat others how you would like to be treated."
Dion: "I'm not a wildcat, I like my stability."
Dion: "We can talk about poverty, difficulties, divorce, wars, killing each other, a lot of things. But at the end of the day, love will always win."

Shania Twain
Twain: "Empowering women - that's the message I'd like to send. I think all women should be powerful."
Twain: "I [try] to talk to people that have been through big disappointments, big emotional crises, deep life struggles, and I will learn something from that."
Twain: "[Being creative is] not just a self-indulgence. ... You have got to create something that other people are going to like and relate to."

Hugh Jackman
Jackman: "[Life is] all about connecting with other human beings."
Jackman: "The main thing is how to be of service to others."
Jackman: "Speak the truth [but] do it kindly. You can't just tell someone, 'Hey, you've put on weight.'"
Oprah Winfrey: "How did [he] get to be so grounded?"
Shawn Levy: "He's easily the nicest guy in Hollywood. And it's not an act."

Woody Harrelson
Harrelson: "My best skill in this whole deal is as a conduit to try to bring people together, because it's in our unity that we'll have the greatest strength."
Warren Waterman: "[He has a] reputation as a people person."
Warren Waterman: "Ask the guy for his autograph and you're likely to get a few minutes of pleasant conversation while he breaks just about every rule in the celebrity-conduct book by being relaxed, openly offbeat and friendly."

Adam Young
(Owl City)
Young: "[I try] be gracious and appreciative even when I'm having the worst day."
Young: "As the most average, ordinary person, it's so cool for me to be able to do the extraordinary things I get to do."
Young: "[My songs are not] big-picture snapshots. ... I've honestly never sat down and decided what kind of story I want to share. ... I feel like that might be over-thinking it."
Young: "I desire a steadfast ... and committed life."
Young identifies himself as an introvert.
Unusually for ESFJs, Young also has Avoidant traits.

Jamie Bell
Actor, was married to Evan Rachel Wood
Bell: "You want to lay some roots [somewhere] and feel like: 'This is my place, this represents me.'"
Bell: "[Others] think I'm a nice guy."
Bell: "People should be more sensitive."
Bell: "I do the sensible thing, knuckle down, do some good work and keep a low profile."
Genesis Rodriguez: "[He is] the sweetest guy, funny, and so unaffected by fame."

Prince William
U.K. royal, son of Charles and Diana, married to Kate, brother of Harry
William: "My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring."
[University professor:] "William is quite a practical person ... [and] always conscientious."
The Guardian: "[He is] genial [and] approachable."
Daily Mail: "[At age 21] he is already developing ... skills as a peacemaker and mediator among his peers."
Daily Mail: "William is quite old-fashioned in his outlook."

Elton John
John: "I'm very much a sentimentalist."
John: "I love sharing things."
John: "Madonna has been so horrible to Lady Gaga."
John: "Diana made you completely feel at ease. There wasn't [any] stiffness or an awkwardness."
The Guardian: "He is ... friendly ... engaged and engaging."
The Guardian: "He's so likeable, it's weirdly easy to forget who you're talking to."
The Telegraph: "He likes to keep in touch. He has become a sort of ... confidant and mother hen to troubled [younger artists]."
Vladimir Putin: "Elton John ... is an extraordinary person [and] a distinguished musician. Millions of ... people sincerely love him."

Randy Jackson
Judge on American Idol
Jackson: "[Even though I'm famous] I don't need to watch myself on TV, like some others."
Jackson: "The pop-star thing bores me because it's somebody programming someone else. 'Stand over here, sing that ... drive this, stay here, live there' - you're not even a human being. You're a puppet."
[Asked about which artists make it big:]
Jackson: "The public always picks quality."

Ed Sheeran
Sheeran: "The main thing that you have to remember ... is just be nice to everyone. ... Always appreciate things, because [they] could be gone tomorrow."
Sheeran: "I've always thought it was a lot easier to be nice than mean."
Sheeran: "[To me] everyone's lovely until proven guilty."
Sheeran: "I'm [not] a rock star ... I'm ... more of a relationship kind of guy. I'm a guy you could take home to meet your mom rather than a guy your mom wouldn't like."
The Guardian: "It would take an almost superhuman effort to dislike him in person."
The Telegraph: "For all his famous friends, he's a man of the people."

Alyson Hannigan
Hannigan: "I love decorating for Christmas. ... I made my own sort of garland thing that I hang upstairs every year. I made that with my friends."
Hannigan: "I definitely want to start traditions."
Hannigan: "[As a person] I have a lot of ... mothering aspects."
Vanessa Rae: "She exudes ... warmth of spirit."

Jason Segel
Segel: "[I try] to be really nice to people."
Segel: "One thing that never goes out of style is niceness."
Rick Germano: "Everyman Jason Segel is one of the most down-to-earth guys in Hollywood."

Vin Diesel
Diesel: "I'm the nicest guy in the world."
Diesel: "Getting feedback from fans was such an incredible thing. But being able to incorporate that feedback into the work was the coolest thing in the world."
[Jimmy Kimmel: "[When you were a bouncer] did you ever beat the crap out of somebody?"]
Diesel: "I was actually one of those bouncers who stopped the other bouncers from going overboard."
Diesel: "We are all accountable to do our duty."

Eric Adams
Adams: "We really do believe in our fans. ... I mean, it's a family. ... We mean that - it's a family. It's one group."
Adams: "[In my spare time I'm a] bow hunter and ... instructor for bow hunting. ... I teach kids how to hunt and how to be safe to be in the woods."
Adrian Begrand: "[Manowar has] one of the most likeable, charismatic frontmen in the genre."
Metal Rules Magazine: "[In person he] comes across like [he] cares."

Alicia Keys
Keys: "I've always been a big people person."
Keys: "There's too much darkness in the world. ... Everywhere you go, there's a feeling of inadequacy, or a feeling that you're not good enough. I want to bring a certain light to the world."
Keys: "Being conscious about others is a very big part of what keeps me grounded."
Keys: "Ultimately the goal [of music is] that people can feel what you feel."

Tyra Banks
Supermodel and television show host
Banks: "Smiles come naturally to me, but I started thinking of them as an art form at my command. ... I can ... pull out a smile at will."
Banks: "What I do is I try to make a negative into a positive a lot. ... I'm always trying to figure out a way to [keep things positive] and there always is a way."

Laura Harring
Harring: "Some may think fashion is frivolous, but the way I see it, when you dress well, you add beauty to the world."
Harring: "I love The Oscars. The Oscars are the one day a year that everybody's in the spirit and everybody celebrates. The whole town. It's our big night. ... There's something about everyone gathering together. It's actually a very small world."

Victoria Beckham
Singer, married to David Beckham
Beckham: "I love women. I want to empower women. I want women to feel good. I want them to feel beautiful."
Beckham: "I love fashion, and that's how I express myself."
Beckham: "I've been in the public eye now for about 15 or 16 years and I'm very aware that fame is not a given. I have to maintain it."

Selena Gomez
Actress and singer, dated Justin Bieber
Gomez: "I like being good to people."
Gomez: "I love the idea of family. I love structure."
Gomez: "I want someone ... who treats me like a princess. I want the picture-perfect fairy tale stuff."
Gomez: "I give [of] myself so much. I let people pull me in every direction [because] I want everybody to be happy."
Gomez: "[If I weren't famous] I'd really want to go to culinary school. I'd love to learn how to bake and cook. [To] have my own little bakery ... is probably what my huge dream would be. It's still one of my dreams actually."

Ariana Grande
Grande: "[I'm] somebody who's ... very sensitive and likes to please people. ... A lot of the time I like to say, 'Okay, if you say so!'"
Grande: "[I] see myself as a fairly positive, very friendly person."
Grande: "I'm trying to channel super-confident women like Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey and Beyonce."
Grande: "One of the most terrible feelings in the world is knowing that someone else doesn't like you."
Grande: "I tend to keep [my style] very classic. I like very girly ... feminine floral things. I'm not very edgy."

Jessica Alba
Alba: "I'm loyal, reliable and hardworking."
Alba: "My parents always said: 'You know you love someone when you go through a fight.' I know I love my husband, because we always get through the hard times."
Alba: "There's a lot of pressure on women to fulfill certain fantasies. ... To flirt. ... A lot of women do it. But I'm not doing that. ... When [men] say inappropriate things, I let them, because boys will be boys, but I'm not looking to participate in their conversations."
Daily Mail: "Jessica Alba is probably one of Hollywood's most down-to-earth residents."

Idris Elba
Elba: "[Even if] I don't know who you are ... I would probably try to help you out. That's my nature."
Elba: "[When asking others] to do something ... [do] it with warmth. ... Remind people what's good about them."
Elba: "[People] love it when you pay attention to details."
Elba: "A conversation is a gift. Spend a moment to really listen to people ... to let them know they're being heard. ... Sometimes it's nice to just have a listen. Sometimes it's nice just to be heard."
Elba: "I'm always inspired by people. ... There's something wonderful in everyone."
Rolling Stone: "[When meeting him in person] he puts you at ease within nanoseconds."

Lesley Stahl
Journalist on '60 Minutes'
Stahl: "There are two kinds of reporters. There are those [who can] spin a good story out of ... bits of information. And there's the other kind ... like me. My reports have to have lots of hard facts."
Stahl: "I knew for sure ... that I wanted to be like my father. ... He was patient, always respectful, gentle."
Stahl: "We ... look for 'opposing views' to flesh out our reports ... but it [has] the unintended effect of exacerbating a public discourse of disputatiousness."

Sarah Jessica Parker
Actress, dated Robert Downey Jr.
Parker: "I have an inherent need to be all things to all people, to make certain everybody's taken care of."
Parker: "I want to own a grocery store one day - a place where you can have a running tab. ... I want a babysitter to be able to call down and say, 'I'm watching the Klein children, and I have no money. Can I borrow 20 bucks for baby food?'"
Penelope Cruz: "I am a very big fan of Sarah Jessica Parker!"

Gal Gadot
Gadot: "Kindness and warmth and acceptance and love. If each and every one of us will have more of that, we will have a better society."
Gadot: "I think women are amazing for being able to show what they feel. ... I think it's a mistake when women cover their emotions to look tough. ... Let's own who we are and use it as a strength."
Gadot: "When I meet people, I assume the best. ... I ... see the goodness in people and I feel that we all have the same aspirations and we all have the same needs and dreams."
Glamour Magazine: "In person she's exceedingly open and warm. ... Not many starlets offer to give you a lift back to your hotel ... [and] she stresses how grateful she is for the twists and turns of fate that have brought her here."
About ESFJs
- Concerned and supportive people persons
- Strongly linked to the Compulsive personality
- Somewhat linked to the Narcissistic and Dependent personalities
- More common in women than in men
- Repress their Introverted Thinking function, meaning they may over-align with public opinion
- Test: ESFJ or ENFJ?
- ESFJ Career Interview 1
- Another Look at ESFJ
ESFJ Functions

1. Dominant: | Extroverted Feeling |
2. Auxiliary: | Introverted Sensing |
3. Tertiary: | Extroverted Intuition |
4. Inferior: | Introverted Thinking |
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