Ed Sheeran Quotes
Quotes by and about Ed Sheeran
(Continued from his main entry on the site.)
Sheeran: "Music is a powerful tool in galvanizing people around an issue. There's no better way to get your point across than to put it in a beautiful song."
Sheeran: "[Being a pop star] doesn't last. ... It's do your time, earn your money, buy some property and when it all goes to shit you've got something to fall back on."
The Telegraph: "[He has] a touch of swagger, but shrouded with humility. It's a winning combination. It delivers both the double-Brit Award winner's ambition and his self-confidence, but also undercuts it just enough to have people looking at this cuddly, tow-headed ginger and going 'awwww...'"
Shooby Taylor: "[He is] so humble. ... [Fans] can relate [to him] and consider [him] their friend for real."
Sylvia Patterson: "[He is a] mild-mannered troubadour."
The Guardian: "He says he already has the rest of his career planned out: a series of albums, culminating in a collaboration 'with all the acts that I grew up listening to'. 'I'll calm it down after that,' he says. 'I'd like to get married and have kids after the fourth album.' He suddenly looks a bit wistful. 'I'd like to have kids and a wife, and you know, drop them off at school and like, do normal things rather than constantly being on tour.'"