Megyn Kelly Quotes
Quotes by and about Megyn Kelly
(Continued from her main entry on the site.)
Kelly: "Some in this country have been so busy trying to figure out how to avoid causing ... offense they have forgotten ... [that] in America we stand for liberty and freedom to offend, to provoke ... and to defy."
[On the David Petraeus scandal:]
Kelly: "This guy saved thousands of American lives running a successful surge in Iraq, and there's something discomfiting about booting him
out over a personal indiscretion. But I understand the other argument, which is that when you're in a position like the one he had, you have
to give up certain things. It's like Princess Kate: You want to be queen? You can't take off your top and
sunbathe. Life's a trade-off."
Kelly: "I practiced law for nine years, and then I decided that stunk, and I decided to change my life. [I was in] commercial litigation. Enough said? It was very sort of sexy and fun when I first started it, and then I realized it was mostly just paper pushing. ... I burned all of my 20s at the office and I decided that I did not want to burn all of my 30s there too."
Kelly: "By the end I just hated [practicing law]. I loved arguing in front of a jury, but there's so much paper pushing. I realized I had done nothing fun in my 20s, just toiled away. I resolved I wouldn't spend my 30s the same way."
Kelly: "[I went into journalism because] I thought the profession had some nobility in it, but it's also one in which you have to get your hands dirty. ... I didn't want anything that was too highbrow or elite. My dad was a college professor, and he constantly had the Ph.D. students over for these great esoteric discussions. But I wanted to be with the people, not just with the Ph.D.'s."
Variety Magazine: "Kelly's tough approach to questioning often makes her sound less like a newscaster and more like her ... idol, Judith 'Judge Judy' Sheindlin, a style that's won her many fans."
Washington Post: "She's ... always the smartest, always in charge."
Brit Hume: "[She speaks] with a fierce authority."
Michael Clemente: "She is bright and knows how to ask the right questions in a polite but aggressive way."
New York Times: "[Her former law partners wanted] to see if she could handle the firm's macho culture. She could."
Washington Post: "[In law] she [was] a hard-working superstar, allowing her soul to be crushed by the grind even as it hardened her backbone to steel."
Alan Dershowitz: "[Her position] is the paradigm for how Americans have to look at [their] freedoms."