Famous ESTJs

Bernard Montgomery
U.K. Field Marshal
Montgomery: "What I personally want to know about a leader is this: ... Will he take decisions, accepting full responsibility?"
Montgomery: "The good military leader will dominate the events which surround him; once he lets events get the better of him ... he will cease to be of value as a leader."
Montgomery: "Throughout my life [I have followed] my duty and my conscience. I have never been afraid to say what I believed to be right."
Montgomery: "[A commander] must have ... that determination which enables [him] to stand firm."
Brian Horrocks: "He had an extraordinary capacity for putting his finger straight on the essentials of any problem, and of being able to explain them simply and clearly."
Keirsey & son identify Montgomery as ESTJ.

Henry Ford
Industrialist and founder of Ford Motors
Ford: "In my mind nothing is more abhorrent than a life of ease. ... There is no place in civilization for the idler."
Ford: "Results ... always come if you work hard enough."
Ford: "I have no quarrel with the general attitude of scoffing at new ideas. It is better ... than to rush around in a continuous brainstorm after every new idea."
Ford: "An idea is just an idea. Almost anyone can think up an idea. The thing that counts is developing it into a practical product."
Ford: "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants. So long as it is black."
Myers identifies Ford as I-TP.
Van der Hoop identifies Ford as I-TP.

Margaret Thatcher
U.K. Prime Minister - "The Iron Lady"
Thatcher: "You persevere until you see it through. ... I never did any U-turns."
Thatcher: "There's no point in living an 'if only' life. [You've got to say]: 'This happened!'"
Thatcher: "To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside, where it functions best."
Michael Cotterill: "Hard work, grit and determination were the order of [her] day."
Brian Walden: "She was as tough as they come, and anything that required guts and will she could do."

Hillary Clinton
U.S. Secretary of State (D), married to Bill Clinton
Clinton: "I've always believed that people should be judged on the basis of actions ... and not just what they ... claim to stand for."
Clinton: "[We should] solve problems one by one [by] hard work ... and persistence, and [that] will ... aggregate to the [grand] solutions."
Clinton: "If you [believe] in something, you had better be prepared to defend it."
Clinton: "Unthinking emotion is pitiful to me."
Clinton: "Frankly, I see a lot of little girls dressed in ways I think are not very appropriate. It's too much too soon. ... Parents have to draw the line."

Theresa May
U.K. Prime Minister
May: "I'm someone who gets on with the job ... says it as I see it and actually delivers on what I say."
May: "Showing that you can do something, that you're in the job and doing it, is more important than the back story."
[Interviewer: "What makes you depressed?"]
May: "Not getting things done."
BBC News: "[She has an] image of ... dependability and unflappability. ... It is her toughness which has become her political hallmark."
The Guardian: "She comes across as straightforward, shrewd and reassuringly staid. Unlike Tony Blair or David Cameron, she does not schmooze."

Condoleezza Rice
U.S. Secretary of State (R)
Rice: "People may oppose you, but when they realize you can hurt them, they'll join your side."
Rice: "When are we going to stop making excuses for the terrorists and saying that somebody is making them do it? No, these are simply evil people who want to kill."
Rice: "I am somebody who is very data-driven."
Rice: "I've always found the hedonistic or anarchist view of freedom troubling."
[College professor:] "Condi Rice was, even back then, not a person to be trifled with."
[Her father:] "Condi is the kind of person who is very sure of herself and makes excellent decisions."
The American Counseling Association identifies Rice as ESTJ.

Martha Stewart
Business magnate
Stewart: "Without hard work, your passion is all for naught. You never have time to rest on your laurels."
Stewart: "I can be fair and decisive and encouraging as well as demanding."
Stewart: "I am a hero worshiper. I love the number one tennis player. I love the number one baseball player."
Stewart: "I have sometimes ... forgotten ... to pat the back of someone or say 'thank you.' ... I wish I were just the nicest person [but] I am a business person."

Michelle Obama
U.S. First Lady, married to Barack Obama
Obama: "Role modeling what good families should look like [is important]. And my view is that if you can't run your own house, you certainly can't run the White House."
Obama: "What we need right now [is] leadership; we need people with judgment; we need decent people, people with common sense, people with strong family values."
Obama: "I like to do something. ... I just don't get into symbolic achievements."

Ann Coulter
Conservative pundit and author
Coulter: "This is what it means to be a citizen in a republic. ... You can vote for a ... clown, but then you have to take some responsibility to correct your mistake."
Coulter: "The answer to any question beginning 'Is it important to you as a woman' is: No ... I would hold the same positions if I were a man."
Coulter: "In only one respect does practicing law compare favorably with practicing punditry. ... In the law, there are standards, rules, and precedents that must be adhered to by everyone."

Michelle Malkin
Conservative pundit and author
Malkin: "When it comes to speaking and writing on unpleasant matters, I learned a long time ago to stop apologizing. It is a waste of breath, time, and energy."
Malkin: "[My book] 'Invasion' was inspired [by] patriotic, level-headed, and hard-truth-telling Americans."
[On being called an 'Asian Ann Coulter':]
Malkin: "I would take [that] as a compliment. I have a lot of respect for Ann Coulter."
Malkin: "Janitors in newsrooms across America worked overtime in the halcyon days after Barack Obama won the presidency. It wasn't easy cleaning the drool off laptops and floors."

Megyn Kelly
Kelly: "Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable, that doesn't mean it has to change."
[On why she divorced her first husband:]
Kelly: "I heard ... Dr. Phil say the only difference between you and someone you envy is [that] you settled for less."
LA Times: "[She is] is known for direct, no-nonsense reporting."
Brit Hume: "She can be just as tough as nails and bear down on people."

Bill O'Reilly
Political commentator on Fox News
O'Reilly: "My programs are trying to fight the good fight. The culture war is serious and needs to be fought honestly and effectively. We do that on [my show]. And we do it with no fear."
O'Reilly: "My weapons [are the] facts."
O'Reilly: "I believe the United States was well founded and has done enormous good for the world."
Keirsey & son identify O'Reilly as ESTJ.

Paul of Tarsus
'St. Paul' - author of the Epistles of the New Testament
Paul: "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."
Paul: "We [Christians] do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort. ... On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone's conscience."
Paul: "Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character.'"
Paul: "Now this is [my] boast: [I] have conducted [myself] in the world ... with integrity and sincerity."
Paul: "We demolish every argument and every pretension that sets itself up against [our goal], and we take captive every thought to make it obedient. ... And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience."

Billy Graham
Christian evangelist
Graham: "Heaven is not a place of idleness."
Graham: "I feel sorry for the man who has never [taken] a stand and stuck to it fearlessly. Moral courage has rewards that [the timid] can never imagine."
Graham: "[Even as a child] lying, cheating, stealing, and property destruction were foreign to me."
Graham: "[Growing up] I could abandon myself enthusiastically to milking the cows and cleaning out the latrines, not because they were pleasant jobs, certainly, but because sweaty labor held its own satisfaction."

Jerry Falwell
Christian evangelist
Falwell: "I do not believe that anyone has ever been successful in life without ... diligence [and] hard work."
Falwell: "[Young people] have been taught that there are no absolutes in our world today. [Our] society is greatly void of discipline and character-building."
Falwell: "Socialism and welfarism [teaches young people] to believe that the world owes them a living whether they work or not."
Falwell: "Our forefathers ... knew the great responsibility that freedom carries with it."
Falwell: "Every American who looks at the facts must share a deep concern and burden for our country."

Sonia Sotomayor
U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Sotomayor: "I am a tough cookie."
Sotomayor: "Are you participating in making your community a better place? ... You have to become involved [in] your community. In every way that you can, better your community. ... That is your obligation."
Sotomayor: "I'm a little bit too practical."
Sotomayor: "I have always argued like a man. ... I don't know where I learned this style, but it has served me well."
Sotomayor: "[I've always broken a] challenge down into smaller challenges, which I could get on with in my methodical fashion."
Sotomayor identifies herself as STJ.
Sotomayor's results on a Jungian type test score her as STJ.

Tom Clancy
Author of 'Rainbow Six' and 'The Hunt for Red October'
Clancy: "Terrorism ... is an annoyance [like] a mosquito. ... A mosquito is an annoyance, but you can swat it."
Clancy: "All [9/11] succeeded in doing was getting us very, very angry. And getting America angry is not a good career move."
Clancy: "[I like spending time with Marine Corps sergeants because] they're like the chiefs. ... You don't impress a chief by being a fake."
Clancy: "We [Americans] extend liberty to others ... we've done it to Europe, we've done it in Asia, we did it in Kuwait. Bringing our gift of liberty to others is a great American tradition."

Alan Dershowitz
Law professor and defense attorney
Dershowitz: "We live in an age when everybody tries to blame someone or something for their failures."
Dershowitz: "It is virtually impossible to flip the TV channels without seeing a bevy of sobbing women and men justifying their failed lives by reference to some past abuse. ... Personal responsibility does not sell soap as well as sob stories."
Dershowitz: "I want to SHAME [my opponents]. ... We don't do enough shaming in this country."
Dershowitz: "[I am a] hero worshiper."

Saddam Hussein
Dictator of Iraq, father of Uday Hussein
Hussein: "If a soldier does not see the logic he will not perform as well or be as obedient. A soldier must be convinced, otherwise discipline is a problem."
Hussein: "No one [in America] asked Bush what sort of rational analysis or realistic information led to the claim that Iraq had WMD."
Hussein: "I am neither a hypocrite nor a weakling."
University of Michigan Study: "Saddam's speech patterns score low on expressions of feeling and feature almost no metaphors."
Ann Coulter: "It's not as if anyone is worried that through some horrible miscalculation we could be removing the Iraqi Abraham Lincoln by mistake."
Keirsey & son identify Hussein as ESTJ.

Augusto Pinochet
Dictator of Chile
Pinochet: "I am going to die. The person who succeeds me will also die. But elections, you won't have."
Pinochet: "I'm not someone who ... sends out threats. I warn only once. The day they touch one of my men, the rule of law is over."
Pinochet: "Not a single leaf moves in this country if I'm not the one moving it. I want that to be clear."
[Reagan administration Emissary:] "[Pinochet is the] toughest nut I've ever seen. He makes [other dictators] look like a bunch of patsies."
The New Yorker: "England is his favorite country ... because of its civility and moderation, its respect for rules. As an example, he pointed to the impeccable driving habits of the British."
ESTJs in popular culture

Uma Thurman
Thurman: "I think [ass-kicking] is sort of thrilling. ... As a female ... you're taught not to be aggressive."
Thurman: "It gives you a great self-confidence ... to take full responsibility for [your life]. Responsibility gives confidence, I find."
Thurman: "I had to work hard to do the comical [elements] of my roles."
Thurman: "I'm a mother [and] and any parent knows this dynamic: ... You're on the playground and some kid comes over and kicks sand in your kid's face and you're like: 'What do I do now - I want to kill?!'"
[Her martial arts trainer for 'Kill Bill']: "I greatly admire her professionalism and work ethic."
Thurman identifies herself as an introvert.

Lucy Liu
Liu: "[I like people who] are very direct. They don't beat around the bush. ... It's not that they're impolite. They're just very direct, and they don't have time to mess around. ... I enjoy [that kind] of directness."
Liu: "I don't think if I disagree with someone I'll start [beating] on them! At least not the first or second time. Maybe the third time they're not listening, then the [punches] come out."
Liu: "It's not my job to go around shucking and jiving until everyone realizes what a nice person I am."
The Guardian: "Her best-known role, Ling Woo in the hit TV series 'Ally McBeal', a role the writer created specifically for her, was ... aggressive [and] unemotional."

Emma Watson
Watson: "I feel like young girls are told they have to be this kind of princess and be all this sweet stuff. It's all bullshit. I identify more with being a warrior princess [and] kicking ass."
Watson: "[Like Hermione] I'm terrified of getting into trouble. I'm very heady in the same way that she is. ... She's very determined. I am as well."
Watson: "I actually wouldn't ever need [a good behavior clause in my contract]. It's just not necessary. I'm not tempted by parties or drugs."
Elle Magazine: "There's something efficient about her, as though life is a big to-do list that needs to be addressed."
Watson identifies herself as an introvert.

Courteney Cox
Cox: "I'm not a passive person by any stretch of the imagination."
Cox: "You never have to guess where you stand with me."
Cox: "[I'm] very hands-on."
The Telegraph: "For someone so petite, the energy comes XXXL. ... [She is] upbeat and plain-speaking."
Lisa Kudrow: "It was always extraordinary to me that emotion never clouded her professionalism."
The Mirror: "Originally, Courteney auditioned for ['Friends'] and won the part of Rachel. But she felt the character of Monica with her ... need for order was more her."

Alec Baldwin
Baldwin: "I'm a law-and-order person."
Baldwin: "I've always had a tremendous sense of responsibility - work, work, work."
Baldwin: "[As a child] I was the one who raked the leaves and cut the grass and shovelled the snow and cleaned the dishes. My brothers were like hillbillies. They had no sense of responsibility."
Baldwin: "I'm not afraid of anybody. Wherever I go, I don't have a drop of fear in my whole body."
Baldwin: "I would like to be Governor of New York. That would be exciting to me."
New Yorker: "[His acting has] some beguiling note of severity, even cruelty."

Kelsey Grammer
Grammer: "[I'm] tenacious to the point where most people just aren't. Honestly, I'm that tenacious."
Grammer: "You show up for [work]! That's what you do. Long run - you work! It's a blessing. ... You show up every damn day."
Grammer: "I prefer adversity that I face head-on."
Grammer: "[Me] directing was simply a matter of time for me. ... I felt very comfortable in that seat. ... I like organizing where the shots are."
Grammer: "I'm brutal when I direct. ... I constantly harass the actor; I beat him down."
Unusually for ESTJs, Grammer also has Dependent traits.

Roger Ebert
Film critic
Ebert: "[My judgment] doesn't involve taste. It involves a deep-seated conviction that [something] is right, has always been right, and always will be."
Ebert: "[I have] a reputation as the fastest writer in town. I'm not faster. I spend less time not writing."
Ebert: "Most Americans don't understand ... that it's the responsibility of the citizen to speak out."
David Eddings: "His wrath, when deployed, is legendary. 'I Hated, Hated, HATED This Movie!' and 'Your Movie Sucks' are two compilations of his [critical] reviews."

Dr. Phil
Psychologist and talk show host
Dr. Phil: "Awareness without action is worthless. Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right."
Dr. Phil: "Life rewards action."
Dr. Phil: "Life is managed; it is not cured."
Dr. Phil: "If parents aren't united in terms of discipline ... focus, morals, values ... then the child is going to be a product of inconsistency, and that creates confusion."
Pamela Paul: "Dr. Phil issues counsel as marching orders."
Walmond Machesky: "He overcame adversity through setting goals and [he] was persistent in achieving success."

Nancy Grace
Legal commentator and television personality
Grace: "The truth is not always nice or polite or easy. ... Sometimes it's harsh, and it hurts."
Grace: "[As a prosecutor I was] staring down criminals and badgering judges into meting out tough sentences."
Grace: "When I get into an argument on the air, the man can always yell louder [because] if a man fights like hell, he's being forceful; if I raise my voice and fight like hell, I'm being a shrew and a bitch."
Grace: "[I consider myself] an advocate for [innocent] children - their voice in a world that, though essentially good, is embattled by evil."

Jenny McCarthy
Actress and 'Green Our Vaccines' activist
McCarthy: "I always felt like one of the guys."
McCarthy: "I don't say what's on my mind to be charming."
McCarthy: "Do you find yourself coming up with excuses as to why it's not your fault when shit hits the fan? ... How often should you be taking some sort of accountability in situations that occur? I would say, every time."
McCarthy: "There are some moms [like me] that I call black belt moms that will chop through the system. When [they are told that] they can't get an appointment, they're going to get one the next day."

Laura Schlessinger
Talk radio host and conservative commentator
Schlessinger: "I am getting people to stop doing wrong and start doing right."
Leslie Bennett: "In an age of moral relativity, Dr. Laura's certitude compels. ... Schlessinger's fervor is indisputably evangelical, and her listeners believe her to be a paragon, a beacon of hope and rectitude in a dissolute, degraded world."
Keirsey & son identify Schlessinger as ESTJ.

Judge Judy
Television judge and author
Judge Judy: "The main message of my show is that people have to be responsible for their own actions."
[To a young mother:]
Judge Judy: "You have to find something else to do with your time, constructively, rather than make children who are going to grow up with no moral compass like their mother."
Keirsey & son identify Judy as ESTJ.

Daisy Ridley
Ridley: "I'm quite a together person, and I value the right things."
[Asked if she is worried about being seen as a role model:]
Ridley: "No. If I loved partying it would be more of a concern. ... You see [other actors] say, 'I didn't ask for this,' but I completely see what [my role in 'Star Wars'] might mean to young girls, and ... I take responsibility for that."
Sandy Cohen: "[She has] an idea of how she'd use the Force in real life: She'd move people standing on the wrong side of the escalator. ... 'You have to walk on the left and stand on the right,' she said. 'People [who stand on the left] are so annoying ... so I'd use the Force to shift them over to the right.'"

Ivanka Trump
Television personality, daughter of Donald Trump, stepdaughter of Melania Trump
Trump: "I was always a feminine tomboy. I always dressed like a girl and acted like a boy."
Trump: "I have a tough skin and enough confidence not to worry too much about being underestimated."
Trump: "[I was] a serious young teenager."
Trump: "[I always] go to bed with an empty inbox. ... I feel that going into a day and having your plate cleared is a good way to start out."
About ESTJs
- Efficient organizers focused on practical logistics
- Strongly linked to the Sadistic personality
- Somewhat linked to the Compulsive personality
- More common in men than in women
- Repress their Introverted Feeling function, meaning they sometimes have difficulty putting themselves into another person's shoes
- Test: ESTJ or ENTJ?
- Another Look at ESTJ
- ESTJ Career Interview 1
- ESTJ Career Interview 2
ESTJ Functions

1. Dominant: | Extroverted Thinking |
2. Auxiliary: | Introverted Sensing |
3. Tertiary: | Extroverted Intuition |
4. Inferior: | Introverted Feeling |
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