Schizoid Personality Spectrum Test
The schizoid personality style encompasses a range of characteristics, all pointing to the presence of apathetic mood, complacency, intellectualization, and the like. However, there is considerable variation in the type and extent of the traits.
This test combines previous academic research into a single scale measuring schizoid personality features across eight different domains.
Could you be said to have schizoid traits? For each of the following questions, indicate your level of agreement below.
Question 1 of 40
I rarely get upset when someone criticizes me.
Disagree | Agree |
The IDRlabs Retiring/ Schizoid Personality Test (IDR-RSPT) was developed by IDRlabs. The IDR-RSPT is based on the work of Dr. Lucas de Francisco Carvalho, Ph.D., and colleagues, who developed the Schizoid Personality Disorder Scale. The IDR-RSPT is not associated with any specific researchers in the field of personality psychology, psychopathology, or any affiliated research institutions.
Impassivity: People with schizoid personality elements often appear to be in an inert emotional state. They are frequently described by others as lifeless, undemonstrative, and lacking in energy and vitality. They tend to be unmoved, impassive, unanimated, robotic, unemotional, and have a stolidly calm expression. Moreover, many display deficits in activation, motoric expressiveness, and spontaneity.
Isolation: Schizoid individuals tend to be interpersonally unengaged. To others, they seem to be indifferent, remote, and rarely responsive to the actions or feelings of others. They usually choose solitary activities, possess minimal social interests, and fade into the background. They are often seen as aloof or unobtrusive, as if they neither desire nor enjoy close relationships. Hence, many are found in peripheral roles in social, work, and family settings.
Impoverished Cognition: People with schizoid personalities seem deficient across broad spheres of mental reactions. They tend to exhibit vague and obscure thought processes and disinterest in social information and people. Thus, their communication with others is often unfocused; they usually refrain from participating overmuch in social exchanges and may usually convey their ideas in a lethargic or self-referential manner.
Complacent Self: Schizoid individuals reveal minimal introspection and awareness of the self and its potentialities. They seem impervious to the emotional and personal implications of everyday social life and appear indifferent to praise or criticism from others.
Meager Contents: People with schizoid personalities have few internalized representations. They rarely articulate their thoughts and are largely forlorn regarding the manifold percepts and memories of relationships involving others. Consequently, schizoid people tend to possess little of the dynamic psychic interplay among drives and conflicts that typify well-adjusted adults.
Intellectualization: A central schizoid trait is a tendency to describe interpersonal and affective experiences in a matter-of-fact, abstract, impersonal, and mechanical manner. People with schizoid features tend to pay primary attention to formal and objective aspects of social and emotional events, thus downplaying or overlooking the affective and emotional reality of these events, relegating them instead to the domain of thoughts and intellect.
Undifferentiated Experience: Given the inner barrenness, schizoid individuals tend to have a feeble drive to fulfill their needs. Either they feel minimal pressure to defend against or resolve internal conflicts or to cope with external demands. Hence, many are not very motivated to pursue their dreams.
Apathetic Mood: People with schizoid personality features tend to be emotionally unexcitable. Others report that they often exhibit an unfeeling, cold, and stark quality. Schizoids usually report weak affectionate or erotic needs, they rarely display warm or intense feelings, and they are apparently unable to deeply experience the most common affects such as pleasure, sadness, and anger. Hence, they may feel that nothing seems to excite them.
As the publishers of this schizoid personality test, which allows you to screen yourself for the signs and symptoms of this condition, we have strived to make the test as reliable and valid as possible by subjecting this test to statistical controls and validation. However, free online quizzes such as the present schizoid personality test do not provide professional assessments or recommendations of any kind; the test is provided entirely “as-is.” For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.