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Freudian Personality Test

Comprehensive personality style test based on the work of Sigmund Freud, measuring your personality on several scales and dimensions.

Dark Core Personality Test

This test will give you your scores on the 9 scales related to the Dark Core of Personality.

PEN Personality Test

Free PEN personality test, as developed by H.J. Eysenck, Ph.D.

Philosopher Personality Test #2

Philosopher Personality Test #2, measuring which of seven philosophers you resemble the most.

Big Five Personality Test (30 Subscales)

Free comprehensive Big Five Test, which also gives you your scores on the 30 subtraits.

Climate Change Test

This test measures your conception of and views on Climate Change.

Political Left / Right Test

This test predicts your political orientation based on your lifestyle.

Women in Leadership Test

This Women in Leadership test will compare your views on female leaders with those of the general population.

Neighborhood Preference Test

Based on the scientific work of Matt Motyl, Ph.D., J.P. Prims, Ph.D., and Ravi Iyer, Ph.D., this test aims to guess your political leanings based on your taste in neighborhoods.

Ilvermorny House Test

Ilvermorny house sorting test, based on real psychometric items.

Light/Dark Triad Test

Test that combines Light and Dark Triad personality traits into a single assessment.

Gossip Girl Test

Test to match your personality with one of seven Gossip Girl characters.


ISTP or ISFP Test at IDR Labs: Take the test and find out whether you are ISTP or ISFP.

Islam Conception Test

This test measures your conception of Islam.

Sexual Attitudes Test

This sexual attitudes test will determine your attitudes towards sex along multiple empirical dimensions.

Star Wars Big Five: Obi-Wan Kenobi

By Sigurd Arild, Eva Gregersen, and Ryan Smith This series of articles analyzes the characters from ‘Star Wars’ (original trilogy only) on the basis of the Big Five system of personality which is the most widely used personality test in social science and which has sometimes been referred to as “the only truly scientific personality...

Star Wars Big Five: Han Solo

By Sigurd Arild, Eva Gregersen, and Ryan Smith This series of articles analyzes the characters from ‘Star Wars’ (original trilogy only) on the basis of the Big Five system of personality which is the most widely used personality test in social science and which has sometimes been referred to as “the only truly scientific personality test.” Compared to Jungian...

Star Wars Big Five: Boba Fett

By Sigurd Arild, Eva Gregersen, and Ryan Smith ***Watch this article as a video here.*** This series of articles analyzes the characters from ‘Star Wars’ (original trilogy only) on the basis of the Big Five system of personality which is the most widely used personality test in social science and which has sometimes been referred to as “the only...

17 Reasons That Joseph Stromberg’s Critique of the MBTI Is Uninformed

By Sigurd Arild, Ryan Smith, and Eva Gregersen Regular readers know the drill by now: We have no affiliation with the MBTI; we just don’t like seeing lazy and uninformed critiques misguiding the public. The latest example of such a critique is the journalist Joseph Stromberg’s article: Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless, as featured in...

Drake Baer’s Lazy Critique of the MBTI

By Ryan Smith and Eva Gregersen Business Insider seems to be developing a penchant for publishing poorly researched articles about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Last September it was Professor Adam Grant’s critique of the MBTI which quoted unfaithfully from one of the scientific studies that it used as the basis of its argument. Now it is reporter Drake Baer who...

MBTI for Skeptics

By Ryan Smith, Eva Gregersen, and Sigurd Arild A number of common critiques of Jungian typology and the MBTI are often voiced in no uncertain terms by people who have comparatively little knowledge about these fields. In this article we purport to answer the most common of these critiques. CRITICISMS OF THE MBTI THAT ARE...

Converting Color Q to Four-letter Codes

The ‘Color Q Personality’ is yet another “MBTI by another name”, created by Shoya Zichy. We do not think it adds much to the understanding of Jungian typology, but on the other hand, it appears that Zichy has been very prolific in searching out celebrities and getting them to take her personality test. In this...

Why Adam Grant’s Critique of the MBTI Is Useless

SUMMARY OF THIS ARTICLE Adam Grant calls the MBTI “useless” but can’t cite a single study to back up his claim. Grant faults the MBTI for not being able to evaluate job performance. But the MBTI doesn’t claim to be able to do that. So Grant is ignorant of what the MBTI does and doesn’t...

False Rumors Concerning Celebrities and Their Types

As if the epistemological status of Jungian typology were not already compromised enough by the prevalence of people who type by face reading, stock characters, and handwriting analysis, a further problem that mars the field is the circulation of unfounded rumors about celebrities self-identifying as certain types or taking personality tests and coming out as...

Can handwriting analysis be used to determine type?

Short answer: No. Just like face reading and stock characters, the notion that handwriting analysis can be linked to type is spreading like wildfire in type training organizations and on the internet. In this post we will explain why we think graphology is completely lacking in validity and why it should not be used in...

The 9 Enneagram Types

Enneagram Type 1: In the intricate tapestry of personality, Enneagram Type 1 emerges as the Perfectionist, an individual whose inner world is shaped by a relentless pursuit of ideals and a deep-seated desire for improvement. This personality type is characterized by a distinct set of traits, motivations, and tendencies that paint a vivid portrait of...

What is the Dark Core?

The Dark Core refers to a cluster of malevolent personality traits that are interconnected and collectively contribute to negative and harmful behaviors. This concept extends beyond the Dark Triad traits and encompasses a broader range of malevolent tendencies. The nine facets within the Dark Core include: Machiavellianism: As previously mentioned, Machiavellianism involves manipulation, strategic thinking,...

What is the Dark Triad?

The Dark Triad is a term used in psychology to describe three distinct personality traits that are characterized by a focus on self-interest, manipulative behavior, and a lack of empathy. These traits are often associated with negative and socially harmful behavior. The Dark Triad consists of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. Let’s delve into each trait...

<strong>Masochism Primer</strong>

When a person’s history is full of decisions and actions that are harmful to them, it can be difficult to understand. Freud saw self-destructive behavior as the most difficult problem to solve with his theory because it goes against the idea that organisms try to minimize pain and maximize pleasure. Masochism is a term used...

Histrionic Primer

Histrionic personality disorder is a mental condition that is characterized by dramatic and attention-seeking behavior. This disorder is often confused with histrionic character, which is a less severe form of the disorder. With histrionic personalities, individuals tend to be high-anxiety, high-intensity, and highly reactive – especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships. These people may...