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IQ Test

Free scientifically validated IQ test, based on SAPA and ICAR data.

Personal Resilience Test

Based on the work of psychologists Friborg, Barlaug, and associates, this test will measure your personal resilience.

Intersectionality Test

Empirical test to determine whether you are privileged or marginalized based on a matrix of intersectional identities.

Sadistic Personality Spectrum Test

Sadistic Personality Test, measuring sadistic symptoms across 8 different scales.

Wednesday Addams Character Test

Wednesday Test, to determine which character from the Wednesday series you resemble.


INFP or ISFP Test at IDR Labs: Take the test and find out whether you are INFP or ISFP.

Masculine Archetypes Test

Masculine archetypes test, assessing for King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover energies.

3 Minute Introversion Test

3-Minute Introversion Test, based on the work of Dr. Robert McCrae, Ph.D.

Schizoid Personality Spectrum Test

Schizoid Personality Test, measuring schizoid personality features across eight scales.

Ginny & Georgia Test

Ginny & Georgia Character Test measuring which of seven characters you resemble the most.

AstroMe Test

AstroMe Personality Test – what is your cosmic personality?


INTJ or INTP Test at IDR Labs: Take the test and find out whether you are INTJ or INTP.

Big Five President Test

This free Big Five Presidents Test will allow you to obtain your scores on the Big Five system and to have them compared with U.S. presidents.

Car Preference Test

Aims to predict your taste in cars based on a few simple questions.

Dark HEXACO Test

This test will measure your dark side in the HEXACO system of personality.

Schizoid Primer

Schizophrenia is a diagnosis that fits people at the disturbed end of the schizoid spectrum, so non-schizoid others often pathologize those with schizoid traits. However, people with schizoid dynamics can range from hospitalized catatonic patients to creative geniuses. Some people with psychotic tendencies are attracted to occupations such as philosophy, spirituality, theoretical science, and the...

Psychopathy Primer

Individuals with antisocial tendencies often present some of the most challenging cases for mental health practitioners. This is due in part to the fact that these individuals typically exhibit a lack of remorse or empathy and may be skilled in manipulating those around them. Psychopathy, or antisocial personality disorder, is a mental disorder that is...

Narcissism Primer

Narcissism has been a popular topic of discussion in recent years. The term “narcissistic” refers to people whose personalities are organized around maintaining their self-esteem by getting affirmation from outside themselves. This can be done through things such as approval from others or avoiding criticism. Some people have a disproportionate degree of self-concern, to the...

Heraclitean Metaphysics as a Framework for Typology

“I use the [Heraclitean] term enantiodromia for the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time.” – C.G. Jung: Psychological Types §709 “I referred to Heraclitus, and [Jung] said Heraclitus knew a lot and he had got the notion of the enantiodromia [i.e. “law of running counter to”] from him. [He said] it...

The Game of Thrones Pathologies

Tywin (Oedipus Complex Compulsion) Tywin grew up with a father who almost ruined the family fortune. His father was weak, which made Tywin feel weak himself. Early on, he decided that he must be strong and replace his father as head of the family. As a result, Tywin is compulsively determined never to allow things...

Plato’s Discursive Defense

By Ryan Smith Now that we have reconstructed the contents of the Unwritten Doctrine and examined the paradox of how the One can be both unconditioned and limited at the same time, it remains for us to examine whether the Unwritten Doctrine actually refutes the Third Man Argument, as it was ostensibly meant to do...

Why Ludwig van Beethoven Is INFP

Michael Goist is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. While at the time of this writing, Beethoven is not yet added to the site, Goist here states his case for why Beethoven is INFP (in contradistinction to Lawrence Bevir’s more conceptual allusion to Beethoven as a possible INTJ here). This article does not reflect the...

Heraclitus Themes: Fire

By Ryan Smith Heraclitus is arguably the most important philosopher with regards to Jungian typology.[1] At the very least, if one wishes to approach typology from a function-based perspective (as opposed to a trait, dichotomy, or temperament-based one), there is no getting around Heraclitus. In fact, a lot of the methodical errors surrounding the function-based...

Spiritual Development in Mithraism

DISCLAIMER When I mention genders and cognitive functions in this article, I refer to them only in terms of the historical and metaphysical ways in which they were employed by Jung, Jungians, and the ancient world. The value judgments associated with these entities are invoked because they are relevant to my analysis of the Mithraic...

Why Johann Sebastian Bach Is ISTJ

Dylan Shapiro is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes. While at the time of this writing, Bach is not yet added to the site, Shapiro here states his case for why Bach is ISTJ. Hence this article does not reflect the views of the site admins, but Shapiro’s own insights and assessments, which are not...

On Kanye West and the ISFJ Type

By Boye Akinwande, with additions by Eva Gregersen As I’m sure may currently be the case for many of you, I was quite skeptical of CelebrityTypes’ type assessment of Kanye West as an ISFJ when I first came across it. At the time of this writing, there appears to be no “default” assessment of West’s type,...

Reviewing the Assessments of Jung’s Type: 2000-2012

By Ryan Smith In preparation for our own piece on why Jung is INFJ, we will recap some of the previous discussions of his type. This article will review the assessments offered in major books and articles between 2000 and 2012. Ann Casement (2001): Carl Gustav Jung …This article requires site membership. If you are already...

Determining Function Axes, Part 5

Boye Akinwande is a contributing guest writer for CelebrityTypes and Ryan Smith is one of the admins of CelebrityTypes. In this article, Akinwande and Smith elaborate on the duality of type-triads, both across, as well as along, the function axes. By Boye Akinwande and Ryan Smith In this article we are going to elaborate on the...

The Greek Loves: Nomos

“We love our country-men, our neighbours, those of the same trade, profession, and even name with ourselves. Every one of these relations … gives a title to a share of our affection.” – David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, II.II.IV “We give our obedience to those whom we put in positions of authority, and...

Function Models for Skeptics, Part 1

By Eva Gregersen, Ryan Smith, and Sigurd Arild Since some criticisms have been leveled at our use of functions and the model we employ, some discussion of the use of functions may be in order. Criticisms of Functions and Function Models That Are Discussed in This Article: …This article requires site membership. If you are...