Take one of our free personality tests, many of which are based on peer-reviewed scientific research, and all of which are crafted by experts in psychometrics.
Love Test The Love Styles Test is a popular way of gauging which ways of expressing love resonate with a person the most. This test will give you yours.
Gender Test This scientifically validated test, based on the work of Dr. Sandra Bem, has repeatedly been shown to have an astoundingly high chance of determining your gender.
Political Test This test will measure your political opinions according to a non-biased and agenda-free set of questions that has been used by universities and political parties all over the world.
Dark Core Test Based on the work of researchers Mashagen, Ph.D., Hilbig, Ph.D., and Zettler, Ph.D., this test will measure whether there is a dark core to your personality.
Kinsey Scale Test Based on the work of researchers Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin, the Kinsey Scale test will give you your results on the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, also known as the "The Kinsey Scale."
Big Five Test This test will measure your personality on the Big Five, which is the gold standard in science. It can be taken in one minute or less while retaining good validity.
Big Five Test The Big Five is the gold standard in science. It is the most widely used personality test in scientific research. This test will give you your scores on the 30 Big Five subscales, while retaining a length of only 50 questions.