Take one of our free personality tests, many of which are based on peer-reviewed scientific research, and all of which are crafted by experts in psychometrics.
Orientation Test Based on the work of psychologist Michael Storms, the Sexual Orientation test will determine your sexual orientation according to a non-binary approach to human sexuality.
Antagonism Test Based on research from the University of Georgia, the Difficult Person Test measures whether you are easy or hard to get along with.
Love Test The Love Styles Test is a popular way of gauging which ways of expressing love resonate with a person the most. This test will give you yours.
Anger Test This scientifically validated test, based on the work of Dr. Judith M. Siegel, has repeatedly been shown to have good reliability and validity and to account well for the many facets of this complex emotion.
Love Test The Capacity to Love Test is an instrument intended to analyze the extent of an individual’s capacity to love across 6 different domains.
Political Test This test will measure your political opinions according to a non-biased and agenda-free set of questions that has been used by universities and political parties all over the world.
Jung Type Test Our version of the world's most popular personality test, based on the work of Jung, Myers, and Briggs. This test will give you an indication of your personality type.
Likability Test Based on research that expands on the Reysen Likability Scale, the Likable Person Test measures whether you are easy or hard to get along with.
Alignment Test Originating with the D&D role-playing game, the 9 moral alignments, which describe a person’s moral and ethical outlook, have gained a cult following on the internet.
Kinsey Scale Test Based on the work of researchers Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin, the Kinsey Scale test will give you your results on the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, also known as the "The Kinsey Scale."
8 Values Test The 8 Values Test is a popular test that seeks to measure a person’s political standpoint according to eight political values.
Dark Traits Test The Big Tent Dark Traits Test analyzes your tendencies towards Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, spitefulness, greed, perfectionism, and dependency.
Borderline Test The Borderline Spectrum Test combines several other instruments into a single test intended to analyze borderline symptoms across 10 different domains.
Left / Right Test Based on the scientific work of John R. Hibbing, Kevin B. Smith and John R. Alford, this test aims to guess your political orientation based on your lifestyle.
Intelligences Test Based on the work of Dr. Howard Gardner, Ph.D., the Multiple Intelligences Test will discern your proclivities across nine different aptitudes.
Racism Test Based on research from the University of Maryland and the University of California Santa Barbara, this test will determine your degree of racism.
EQ Test This EQ Test uses a personality-based approach to emotional intelligence and measures your EQ across 15 different domains.
Communism Test This test will determine whether you agree with communist doctrines, using a classical Marxist definition of communism.
Potential Test Based on research from the University of Massachusetts, the Holding Yourself Back Test measures whether you are your own worst enemy.
Depression Test Based on diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5 and research related to the PHQ-9, this scientifically validated test screens for depression in adults.
Sexual Test Based on the work of psychologists Hendrick, Hendrick, and Reich, the Sexual Attitudes test will discern your attitude towards sex across four empirical domains.
Feminism Test People often say that "feminism just means equal rights," but in reality, there are many definitions of feminism. This test measures what type of feminist you are, using five scales.
Hot/Crazy Test The Hot/Crazy Scale Test is an artifact of internet pop culture; some claim it is pseudoscientific, while others maintain that it’s backed by studies.
South Park Test The South Park Test is an unscientific, “just for fun” test to match your personality with one of seven characters from this popular franchise.
Food Test Based on research from the University of Pennsylvania, the Food Social Class Test will determine your social class based on simple food choices.
IQ Test IQ is broadly agreed to be the most effective way of measuring intelligence. This test uses data from the SAPA and ICAR projects to deliver an IQ test that is scientifically and statistically validated.
Multiphasic Test Based on research from the University of Minnesota, this test will give you your scores on the famous 10 Multiphasic Personality Scales.
ADHD Test Based on the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, this scientifically-validated test screens for signs and symptoms of ADHD.
Hierarchy Test The idea that people can be sorted into distinct archetypes in the masculine social hierarchy has become a piece of modern internet culture.
Functions Test At more advanced levels, Jung's theory of personality also deals with the concept of cognitive functions. This test will give you an indication of your cognitive functions.
Lifetrap Test Drawing on breakthrough insights from cognitive therapy, psychologists Jeffrey E. Young, Ph.D. and Janet S. Klosko, Ph.D. developed the concept of lifetraps. This test will give you yours.
Purity Test The Rice Purity Test measures your innocence or rowdiness in an updated version of the classic test that originated at Rice University in the 1960s.
Borderline Test Based on the work of Dr. Mary C. Zanarini, Ed.D., this Borderline Personality Disorder test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.
Sexism Test Based on the scientific work of Peter Glick and Susan Fiske, this test determines levels of prejudice toward women.
Autism Test Based on the work of Dr. Sarah L. Barret, Ph.D., this autism test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.
BMI Test Body Mass Index (BMI) is a convenient rule of thumb used to broadly categorize people as underweight, of normal weight, overweight, or obese.
Dom/Sub Test The dominance/ submission test combines triadic measures of these traits, uniting the two tendencies in a single joint framework.
Sexy 7 Test The Sexual Dimensions (or “Sexy Seven”) Test was developed by D.P. Schmitt, Ph.D. and D.M. Buss, Ph.D. to measure personality variation along sex-specific and evolution-relevant dimensions.
Toxic Test Based on the work of Quintero and Long, the Toxic Positivity test will determine whether you have an unhealthy tendency to construe things as overly positive.
Feminist Test Based on the work of Dr. Nancy Henley, Ph.D., the Feminist Perspectives Test will determine your attitude towards several strands of feminism.
Faces Test Based on the work of social psychologist Nicholas Holtzman Ph.D., this test determines whether you are able to identify dark traits in people.
BLM Test This test will determine how much you agree with the aims of the Black Lives Matter movement, using the organization’s stated beliefs and demands.
Hogwarts Test This version of the Hogwarts House Test was made by combining input from the scientific Big Five, HEXACO, and Dark Triad models of personality.
Libertarian Test Libertarianism has often been called the "third force" in politics - an alternative to the traditional left and right. This test determines how much of a libertarian you are.
Fashion Test Based on research from the University of Pennsylvania, the Fashion Choices Test will determine your social status based on simple fashion choices.
Psychopathy Test Inspired by the work of Dr. Scott Lilienfeld, Ph.D. and colleagues, the Psychopathy Matrix Test measures whether you have psychopathic traits.
Star Trek Test The Star Trek character test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test that matches your personality to one of seven characters from Star Trek: TNG.
Wealth Test The Money Making Traits Test will determine if have the combination of traits that is commonly found among people who are good at making money.
Social Test Based on the work of David W. Merrill, Ph.D. and Roger H. Reid, Ph.D., this test will measure your perception of your interactional style.