Dieser Persönlichkeitsstil-Test mit 105 Fragen ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Ergebnisse zu allen 15 Persönlichkeitsstilen zu erhalten. Die Persönlichkeitsstile stellen einen dynamischen und flüssigeren Aspekt der Persönlichkeit dar, als die eher strukturellen Eigenschaften, die durch den Jung-Typ-Test oder den Big-Five-Test gemessen werden.
Bei der Durchführung des Tests ist es normal, dass gut funktionierende Personen das Gefühl haben, als ob mehrere der Punkte auf sie zutreffen. Um jedoch optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen, klicken Sie bei einer Aussage NICHT auf "Stimme zu", es sei denn, es war in Ihrem Leben schon immer ein konsistentes Thema. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, ob eine bestimmte Aussage auf Sie zutrifft, wählen Sie “Stimme nicht zu.“
Frage 1 von 105
Ich werde oft wütend auf Menschen, die mir auf die Nerven gehen, und fühle mich dann hinterher schuldig.
Der "Persönlichkeitsstil-Test " ist Eigentum der IDR Labs International, erweist aber den Werken von Theodore Millon, Seth Grossman, Aaron T. Beck, Arthur Freeman und Nancy McWilliams ihre Ehre.
The Personality Style Test, based on the research of Dr. Theodore Millon, is a psychological assessment designed to identify and categorize various personality traits and styles. Millon’s pioneering work in personality theory has provided a comprehensive framework for understanding how individual personalities develop, adapt, and sometimes become maladaptive. His model emphasizes that personality is not static but exists on a continuum, with certain traits manifesting in healthier or more dysfunctional ways depending on life circumstances, coping mechanisms, and other factors.
Dr. Millon’s research is rooted in the idea that personality styles are patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that individuals use to interact with the world. Unlike traditional models that focus solely on pathological traits, Millon’s approach recognizes that everyone has a blend of personality characteristics that can be adaptive or problematic depending on context. His work on personality is best known for its application in understanding personality disorders, but the Personality Style Test goes beyond pathology to examine how various personality traits manifest across the population.
Millon identified several distinct personality styles, many of which align with broader categories of personality functioning. These styles are mapped along dimensions of interpersonal relationships, emotional expression, and coping strategies. For example:
Compulsive Personality Style: Characterized by a need for order, control, and perfectionism. Individuals with this style are highly disciplined, but they may also struggle with rigidity and difficulty adapting to change.
Dependent Personality Style: Marked by a deep need for approval and support from others, individuals with this style may have difficulty making decisions or functioning independently, relying heavily on close relationships for guidance.
Histrionic Personality Style: Defined by an intense need for attention and approval, people with this style often exhibit dramatic, emotional behaviors and seek validation through social interactions.
Narcissistic Personality Style: Associated with a strong sense of self-importance, individuals with this style often focus on their own needs and seek admiration, but they may struggle with empathy and close relationships.
Millon’s Personality Style Test also includes other styles, such as avoidant, schizoid, and aggressive styles, each highlighting different ways individuals interact with their environments and relationships. The test reveals which personality traits are dominant in an individual’s psychological makeup, offering insights into how these traits influence behavior, decision-making, and interpersonal relationships.
A key aspect of Millon’s work is the understanding that personality styles exist on a spectrum. While someone may exhibit traits associated with a personality disorder, they can still function adaptively if these traits are balanced and not extreme. Conversely, when these traits become rigid or exaggerated, they can lead to maladaptive behaviors and psychological distress.
In summary, the Personality Style Test based on Millon’s research offers a nuanced view of human personality, recognizing the complex blend of traits that define how individuals interact with the world. It’s an essential tool for clinicians and researchers alike, providing valuable insights into both healthy and problematic personality styles.
Dieser Test kann Ihnen zwar helfen, den Umfang Ihrer Ergebnisse auf den verschiedenen Skalen, die mit den 15 Persönlichkeitsstilen verbunden sind, zu beurteilen, jedoch ist es wichtig zu beachten, dass die Testergebnisse nicht unbedingt in reale Beurteilungen übertragbar sind, wie sie von zertifiziertem medizinischen Personal in physischer Anwesenheit des Befragten durchgeführt werden und unter anderem auf einer umfassenden Überprüfung der persönlichen und familiären Geschichte des Befragten beruhen.
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