Famous ENFJs

Martin Luther King, Jr.
U.S. civil rights activist
King: "[Let us create a] society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood."
King: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
King: "The time is always right to do what is right."
King: "We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."
Rosa Parks: "[King] was the type of person that people really gravitated towards and they seemed to like him personally, as well as his leadership."

Nelson Mandela
President of South Africa and civil rights activist
Mandela: "Let it never be said by future generations that indifference, cynicism or selfishness made us fail to live up to [our] ideals."
Mandela: "Let the strivings of us all prove Martin Luther King Jr. ... correct, when he said that humanity can no longer be tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism."
Mandela: "[Let] us all [struggle to] prove that ... genuine brotherhood and peace [is] more precious than diamonds or silver or gold."
Mandela: "During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to [the] struggle [for a] society in which all persons will live together in harmony."
Mandela: "Yasser Arafat was one of the outstanding freedom fighters of this generation."

John Paul II
John Paul II: "I hope to have communion with the people, that is the most important thing."
John Paul II: "Science develops best when its concepts and conclusions are integrated into the broader human culture and its concerns for ultimate meaning and value."
John Paul II: "Scientists [should also devote themselves to the] issues dealt with by ... theologians. By [doing so] they can help others realize more fully the human potentialities of their discoveries."
John Paul II: "Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish."
Keirsey & son identify John Paul II as ENFJ.

Johann von Goethe
Author and multi-field genius, mentor of Schiller
Goethe: "It [is] natural to me to empathize with the condition of others [and to] sympathize with it with pleasure."
Goethe: "If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming."
[On why he broke with Schopenhauer:]
Goethe: "We discussed a good many things in agreement; eventually, however, a certain separation proved unavoidable, as when two friends, having walked so far, shake hands, one wanting to go north and the other south, and very soon lose sight of one another."

Sheryl Sandberg
Executive at Facebook and author of 'Lean In'
Sandberg: "I completely understand that the [gender equality] debate is heated and emotional ... and I am actually grateful for this [because] there is never any change without heated debate."
Sandberg: "When I was in elementary school, I taught my younger siblings ... to follow me around, listen to my monologues, and scream the word, 'Right!' when I concluded."
Sandberg: "For most of my life, I instinctively didn't talk about things that went well for me. ... The reason I kept my success quiet was that it would have made me less likable."
Financial Times: "Nobody doubts her skill at managing difficult colleagues (be that Mark Zuckerberg or Larry Summers); or that she is brilliant at pulling teams together ... with [her] charm and impressive force."

Greek statesman - "First Citizen of Athens," adoptive father of Alcibiades
Pericles: "What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."
Pericles: "We do not say that a man who takes no interest in [others] is a man who minds his own business: We say that he has no business here at all."
Pericles: "A man who has the knowledge but lacks the power to express it clearly is no better off than if he never had any ideas at all."
Friedrich Nietzsche: "Pericles, through persuasion, [could] always sway the onlookers to his course."

Roman statesman
Cicero: "There is nothing in which I habitually find greater satisfaction than in the consciousness of serving my friends."
Cicero: "We are not born for ourselves alone."
Cicero: "A friend is a second self."
Cicero: "[Feeling] sensitivity of disposition [is the sign] of a good heart."
Cicero: "In anger nothing judicious can be done."
Cicero: "They say that if God spoke Greek, he would speak like Plato."
Plutarch: "He had the name of being not only the best orator, but also the best poet of Rome."

Erasmus of Rotterdam
Renaissance humanist
Erasmus: "The truth is often lost while quarreling and is discovered with greater certainty without it."
Dirk H. Kelder: "[Erasmus sought] to reconcile all viewpoints. He detested war and violence of any sort ... owing to his sensitive disposition."
Gary Remer: "Like Cicero, Erasmus [believes] that truth is furthered by a more harmonious relationship between interlocutors."
Charles Cortright: "Erasmus' mode of dealing with ... controversy [was that] he would defend the man, but not judge his cause."
Martin Luther: "Where is there someone whose heart Erasmus does not occupy, whom Erasmus does not teach, over whom Erasmus does not hold sway?"

Mikhail Gorbachev
Head of State of the Soviet Union
Gorbachev: "Peace means an ascent ... to cooperation and common creativity among nations. ... Never before has the idea that peace is indivisible been so true as it is now."
Gorbachev: "I am one of those people whom nature has given ... 'leadership qualities.' ... My friends [always] trusted me."
Gorbachev: "[We must] think and act in life [so as] to rouse people to ... have faith in themselves."
Gorbachev: "Idealists make the world go 'round, since everything starts with ideas. Yes, ideas! Everything comes from them and everything begins there."
Richard Reeves: "[When Gorbachev entered the world stage, newspaper] editors agreed that the rhetorician was charming and laughed easily, like Reagan."
Keirsey & son identify Gorbachev as ENFJ.

Joe Biden
U.S. President (D)
Biden: "[A fundamental] part of being a public servant [is] absorbing the anger of people who don't know where to turn."
Biden: "I have found that [with] most people, candor generates trust. ... [This approach] has always worked for me."
Biden: "[Obama and I] kind of balance each other. ... [I am someone who will] hug [and] touch [people] ... whereas he is not emotive that way. That's why we make such a good team."
Bob Woodward: "Around the White House, Biden was known as 'the [Republican] whisperer': The person who knew the right combination of sympathy and gentleness - never force - needed to work with the minority."

Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada
Trudeau: "I'm a teacher, I'm a convenor, I'm a gatherer. I'm someone who reaches out to people and is deeply interested in what they have to say."
Trudeau: "[I am] understanding of needs and challenges and give tools to help other people succeed."
The Globe and Mail: "His talent for face-to-face connection is beyond words and logic, which may be why his opponents ... who can't manage it as effectively, mock him so viciously."
The Globe and Mail: "[He has a] gift for grasping what matters to people emotionally."
Bob Rae: "For Justin [it's all] about people and inspiration and motivation and getting people to ... feel good about things. ... He knows how to reach a room. He likes people and people like him."

Tony Blair
U.K. Prime Minister
Blair: "[With Africa] I fear the judgment of future generations. ... I feel that judgment of the future alongside the now. It gives me urgency. It fills me with determination."
Blair: "Both Princess Diana and I were, in our ways, manipulative people, perceiving quickly the emotions of others and able instinctively to play with them, all in the cause, of course, of the greater good."
Blair: "[Gordon Brown is] a strange guy. Political calculation yes. Political feelings, no. Analytical intelligence, absolutely. Emotional intelligence, zero."

Matthieu Ricard
Buddhist monk and author of 'Happiness'
Ricard: "The point [of my work] is to ... make [you] more peaceful, more altruistic, and more emotionally balanced."
[Asked why he gave up his career in in molecular genetics:]
Ricard: "Science, however interesting, wasn't enough to give meaning to my life. ... I came to see research ... as an endless dispersion into detail."
Ricard: "[In my work] I was inspired through my readings of great figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi, who by the sheer strength of their human qualities were able to inspire others to change their way of being."

Daniel Goleman
Science popularizer and author of 'Emotional Intelligence'
Goleman: "In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels."
Goleman: "Knowing something is right 'in your heart' is a different order of conviction - a deeper kind of certainty - than thinking so with your rational mind."
Goleman: "[Intelligent people have a] sensitivity to others' concerns and the ability to act on that knowledge."
Goleman: "[People should] show each other that they are [listening] since feeling heard is ... exactly what the aggrieved [person] really is after."
Goleman: "Empathy [is] hearing the feelings behind what is being said."

Alfred Adler
Psychologist, student of Freud
Adler: "Meanings are not determined by situations, but we determine ourselves by the meanings we give to situations."
Adler: "What the world chiefly wants ... is community feeling."
Adler: "It is [out of my] feeling of solidarity with others that my understanding of the need for [human] cooperation arose."
Edward Hoffman: "Adler [was] outgoing, buoyant and tactful. When potential arguments arose ... he strove to avoid confrontation and instead diplomatically sought to defuse tensions."

Erich Fromm
Psychologist and author of 'The Art of Loving'
Fromm: "All men are in need of help and depend on one another. Human solidarity is the necessary condition for the unfolding of any one individual."
Fromm: "Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says: 'I need you because I love you.'"
Irvin D. Yalom: "When teaching students about empathy, Erich Fromm often cited Terence's statement from 2000 years ago: 'I am human and let nothing human be alien to me.'"
Fromm's notion of mutuality is the same as that of Martin Luther King: "We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality..."

Maya Angelou
Author and poet
Angelou: "The desire to reach the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise and most possible."
Angelou: "Human beings are more alike than we are unalike. Let us see that and ... cherish ... the differences. Because the differences are superficial ... they should delight us."
Angelou: "Try to introduce courtesy into your speech to each other. You have no idea what it will do for your brother or sister to whom you speak, and you surely have no idea what it will do for you."
BBC: "[She was] charismatic and passionate, warm and wise, formidable without being forbidding."
Oprah Winfrey: "The world knows her as a poet but at the heart of her, she was a teacher. 'When you learn, teach. When you get, give' is one of my best lessons from her."

Vaclav Havel
President of the Czech Republic and playwright, student of Roger Scruton
Havel: "[We should all] desire to contribute to the happiness of the community."
Havel: "It would not be sensible always to say everything bluntly. ... What is needed [is] tact, instinct and good taste."
Havel: "The truth is not simply what you think it is; it is also the circumstances in which it is said, and to whom, why, and how it is said."
Havel: "The most important thing is not to lose sight of personal relationships."
Hillary Clinton: "[Havel was] eloquent ... and utterly charming. I found him enormously compelling."

Neil deGrasse Tyson
Astrophysicist and science popularizer
Tyson: "[We should] not only teach people what science is and what it does, but also why it should mean something to them, and why it matters to society and everything that we hold dear."
Tyson: "When [scientists do something like going] to the moon, everybody knows about it. And everybody becomes a participant in some way. [If not as] an actual participant [then as] an emotional participant, because they embrace the idea."
Tyson: "[By promoting science] you stimulate an entire generation of people [to make] innovations [that will transform] the world and [that will make] tomorrow come."

Yasser Arafat
Chairman of the PLO
Arafat: "We shall discover ourselves in peace more than we have with war and confrontation."
Arafat: "Heartbeat by heartbeat, hand by hand, we will build a new era."
Arafat: "We need to forge a human conscience that is more sensitive and responsible in assessing the efforts of man and the policies of nations."
New York Times: "[His] crackdowns [on political rivals] invariably gave way to deals, pledges of forgiveness and rounds of kisses."
International Institute for Counter-Terrorism: "He has a natural dramatic ability. ... With great skill, he adapts his style of speech and his message to his target audience."

Joseph Goebbels
Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany
Goebbels: "To be a [national] socialist means to let the ego serve the neighbor, to sacrifice the self for the whole. In its deepest sense, socialism equals service. The individual refrains and the commonwealth commands."
Adolf Hitler: "Goebbels is the one [of the senior Nazis] who is the most like me as a human being."
Theodore Abel: "[Listening to his speech] I felt as though he was addressing me personally. My heart grew light, something in my breast arose. It was as if something within me was being rebuilt."
Toby Thacker: "[Goebbels'] favorite writers were Goethe and Dostoevsky."
ENFJs in popular culture

Oprah Winfrey
Talk show host
Winfrey: "You create your own reality by the way you think and therefore act. You cannot blame ... your circumstances, because you are not your circumstances. You are your possibilities."
Winfrey: "I am happiest when I feel that people are getting something [from me], learning something, enhancing themselves in a way that they never thought of before."
Winfrey: "[My fame] isn't about me. I am the messenger to deliver the message of redemption, of hope, of forgiveness, of gratitude, of evolving people to the best of themselves."
Winfrey identifies herself as an introvert.
Keirsey & son identify Winfrey as ENFJ.
The British Association for Psychological Type identifies Winfrey as ENFP.

Charlie Rose
Talk show host
Rose: "[In my work] I wanted viewers to feel like they were eavesdropping on [an intimate] conversation each night."
Rose: "It would be wonderful to become what Oprah has become: She is in such a class of her own. [Like her] I would love to show that television can have soul, depth and range."
Hank Paulson: "He can lure you [in] - hard questions in a soft way."
Financial Times: "[He is a] master at charming his subjects into revealing interesting pieces of information."

Nigella Lawson
TV cook
Lawson: "It's always struck me how we express what we feel about each other through food. Food obviously plays a very big part in many world religions. I think even the most prosaic or fact-led person can't help but feel aware of the symbolic value of food."
Lawson: "I think of myself as a very open person, but I'm also quite self-protective."
Lawson identifies herself as ESFP.

Singer (U2) and humanitarian activist
Bono: "It's an amazing thing to think that ours is the first generation in history that really can end extreme poverty [but] we let our own pathetic excuses ... justify [us]. We have the ... wealth. What we don't have is the will, and that's not a reason that history will accept."
Bono: "I'm not sure I can be as honest in my life as I can be in my music, because with manners comes insincerity. ... Truth is sometimes difficult."
Paul Du Noyer: "[He is] charm itself. ... He greets you with a warmth you could dry damp clothes against."
Rolling Stone: "Bono gives us a vision of how tomorrow can be better than today. He appeals to something greater than ourselves. ... He speaks about faith in a way that even a non-believer can embrace."

Reese Witherspoon
Witherspoon: "I've worked so hard to create characters that have dignity. And I think everybody knows that I have a very pro-woman message in my work - and in my life."
Witherspoon: "I get hugged a lot [by fans]. Which is fun. ... I like people. And at the end of the day, we're all just people. ... Nobody's life experience is all that much different than anyone else's."
Marie Claire Magazine: "She can radiate such warmth, charm, and humor ... and yet still maintain her mystique."

Kate Winslet
Winslet: "My feeling about why I like making films is you can come away from a film feeling so changed and touched. I really love that, the thought that I could be giving people a lot."
Winslet: "I always try and give as much as I can, rather than get as much as I can."
Winslet: "I love that people feel they can approach me."
Anne Hathaway: "I love [Kate Winslet] so much. ... [Watching her I] realize how great she is and how far I have to go."

Helena Bonham Carter
Actress, was married to Tim Burton
Carter: "I enjoy those small chats you have when people come up and talk to you about your work. It only involves a few seconds of effort to be nice to those people, and I am very grateful for the kind words."
Carter: "[When people] think they've got you sussed [that's] actually a very good position to be in. They think they have got you sussed, but you've got plenty of room to maneuver."
Carter: "I grew very frustrated with the perception that I'm this shy, retiring, inhibited aristocratic creature when I'm absolutely not. ... I think I'm much more outgoing and exuberant than my image."
Carter identifies herself as an introvert.

Bradley Cooper
Cooper: "I try to stay in a place of gratitude every day. In order to do that I think perspective is involved."
Cooper: "I love being in the center of the group, being a part of the group that's [going through a] creative process."
Amy Adams: "He's a very soulful person, a very open person."
Brian Klugman: "There's nobody who's better liked."

Jennifer Lawrence
Lawrence: "I'm incredibly stubborn ... but I am very maternal too."
Lawrence: "To [others my acting] looks emotionally straining, but I don't get emotionally drained, because I don't invest any of my real emotions."
Lawrence: "I always know when I'm being lied to. ... It's okay to lie sometimes and to exaggerate, but I always know when people are doing it."
Shailene Woodley: "[She] knows how to handle [all the attention] in such an eloquent way."
New York Magazine: "[She] manages to exude a best-friend vibe even at a ... press conference ... with all eyes on [her]."

Dakota Fanning
Actress, sister of Elle Fanning
Fanning: "The greatest trait in a person is to put other people before yourself."
Fanning: "My job is all about getting inside another person's mind and thoughts."
Fanning: "I like everything perfect. Everything has to be neat. My sister is ... more messy than I am."
Brittany Murphy: "Dakota is a ray of sunshine and obviously wise beyond her years. ... She is so intuitive of other people."
Fanning's results on a Jungian type test score her as ENFJ.

Emma Stone
Actress, dated Andrew Garfield
Stone: "My least favorite type of person is a 'selective asshole' - a person who's a jerk to some people and nice to other people."
Stone: "You see these actors who've been famous for a long time, and they've grown like this rhino skin, emotionally. ... They can't relate to people in the same way anymore. ... They can't emote like they used to. And I never, ever want that to happen to me."
Stone: "[Andrew Garfield is] an incredibly honest guy [and] a deeply feeling individual."
Cody Delistraty: "It seems no one is immune to her ... charm."
Taylor Swift: "If I could be anyone for a day, I'd be Emma Stone."

AnnaSophia Robb
[Asked what she liked about a character she played:]
Robb: "She has an understanding of human beings. She can sense their sadness, sense that they need somebody, and [then be] that person."
Robb: "I hope [people] think about other people and how they can relate to them."
Robb: "You have to be kind to [other people], talk to them and try to be friends."

Michael Moore
Moore: "I knew that [those who predicted that no one would see my films] would be wrong because ... I have a sense of where people are in the country."
Moore: "[I have] a strong moral sense of social responsibility."
Moore: "What's great about [films] is the communal experience of sitting in the dark with strangers and viewing something that's going to engage us."

Zack de la Rocha
(Rage Against the Machine)
De la Rocha: "[When I] participated in [activism I] felt more community based. ... I was part of a collective voice and not on my own as an artist. Something about that attracted me."
De la Rocha: "Noam Chomsky's books have helped me understand the nature of globalization and its effect on people and societies throughout the world."
De la Rocha: "I'm speaking toward a deeper sentiment that I feel and I know a lot of people feel. [It has] to do with redemptive moments that come in the face of some real indignity. That's the current that I'm trying to tap into."
Michael Moore: "[Offstage he is] the most gentle of souls you will ever meet. But ... on the stage, a fire erupts that consumes all who listen."

James Lipton
Talk show host
[Asked about the many actors who have started crying during his interviews:]
Lipton: "When you're talking about the thing that is most important to someone, they're liable to feel something strong."
Anthony Hopkins: "James Lipton is the most penetrating and compassionate interviewer I've ever known."
Michelle Pfeiffer: "James creates such a warm environment that you feel as though you're among friends."

Dr. Drew
Physician and talk show host
Dr. Drew: "I want to rescue everyone. ... I'd like everyone to be okay. I'd like to stop the suffering and discomfort in the world."
Dr. Drew: "The only way to get past ... feelings of powerlessness and insignificance is by connecting with other people. ... I advise you to look for opportunities to connect ... and to participate in life."
GQ Magazine: "[In person he is] charismatic ... theatrical, eloquent, and fervent."
Dr. Drew identifies himself as having Narcissistic traits.

Rashida Jones
Jones: "I look for people with good hearts."
Jones: "I have a need to be right. I am obsessed with a sense of justice in the world."
Jones: "Pop stars: Please stop saying you don't want to be role models. Because, guess what: You are."
Jones: "The way globalization and technology have been used isn't ... for the best. It hasn't brought us closer together. ... It's actually drawn us apart. ... Your responsibility as a human being ... has been lost a little bit."
Jones: "I can be pretty persuasive if I believe in something strongly enough."
Alex Billington: "If everyone ... was half as nice and half as charming as Rashida Jones, the world would be such a better place."
About ENFJs
- Engaging and compelling communicators
- Strongly linked to the Narcissistic personality
- Somewhat linked to the Histrionic and Avoidant personalities
- More common in women than in men
- Repress their Introverted Thinking function, meaning they may be tempted to exaggerate the truth for effect
- Test: ENFJ or ESFP?
- Test: ENFJ or ESFJ?
- Another Look at ENFJ
ENFJ Functions

1. Dominant: | Extroverted Feeling |
2. Auxiliary: | Introverted Intuition |
3. Tertiary: | Extroverted Sensing |
4. Inferior: | Introverted Thinking |
Even more ENFJs
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