Tag: Career
Tests pertaining to career aptitude and professional preferences.
Potential Test Based on research from the University of Massachusetts, the Holding Yourself Back Test measures whether you are your own worst enemy.
Mindset Test Based on the work of Dr. Carol Dweck, Ph.D., this test will determine whether you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset.
Career Role Test This test will give you an indication of which career role you are likely to thrive in. Employers and employees can benefit from taking this test together and discussing the results.
Career Test Based on the RIASEC model of career types, this personality-based test will determine what type of job you are best suited for.
Team Role Test This test will measure your aptitude for different team behaviors. Team Roles modelling is one of the most widely used measures in organizational psychology.
HPPT Test Based on the work of researchers MacRae and Furnham, the High Potential Personality Test will determine whether you are fit for high performance.
Wealth Test The Money Making Traits Test will determine if have the combination of traits that is commonly found among people who are good at making money.
Grit Test Based on the work of Angela Duckworth, Ph.D., the Grit Test will determine your level of passion and perseverance for long-term goals even in the face of adversity.
Career Test Based on the RIASEC model of career types, this interests-based test will determine what type of job you are best suited for.
DISC Test Based on the work of psychologists William M. Marston and Walter V. Clarke, the DISC measures dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance. It is one of the most widely used tests in organizational psychology.
Conflict Test Based on the work of K.W Thomas, the Conflict-Handling Test analyzes our styles of conflict management across 5 different domains.
Resilience Test Based on the scientific work of psychologists Friborg, Barlaug, and associates, the Resilience test will determine whether you are capable of positive adjustment in tough situations.
Learning Test The Learning Styles Test measures whether you are auditory, kinesthetic, or visual in your learning style.
Workplace Test Based on the standards of Mental Health America (MHA), this test will determine whether your workplace is toxic or wholesome. It can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.
Open DISC Test The DISC one of the most widely used tests in organizational psychology. The Open DISC Test was created as an alternative to the classic DISC Test.
Strengths Test Based on classic research in psychology, the Strengths Mapper Test will measure your strengths.
Workplace Test The full version of the Toxic Workplace Test, based on the standards of Mental Health America (MHA).
Money Test Based on the work of Ken Honda, this test will determine your Money Personality Type.
WIL Test Based on a large poll by the PEW Research Center, the Women in Leadership test will compare your views on female leaders with those of the general population.
Learning Test The Quick Learning Styles Test will allow you to determine whether you are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic in your learning style.
Learning Test Based on the work of Dr. Rita Dunn, the Learning Profile Test expands on the classical framework of Learning Styles by including a fourth style and the concept of learning orientation.
Money Test This scientifically validated test, based on the work of Dr. Adrian Furnham, will determine your attitudes about money on five distinct scales.
Abundance Test The Abundance Mindset Test is an instrument intended to analyze whether you embody positive beliefs that will lead to success.
Win-Win Test The Win-Win Mindset Test measures whether you have a frame of mind and heart that seeks mutual benefit for those involved in interactions with you.
Career Test Based on a study mapping 263 occupations from Tartu University, the Big Five Career Test will determine where you fit in the job market.
Career Test Based on the research of Dr. Karen Taylor and Dr. Nancy Betz, the Career Decision-Making Test will measure someone’s capability to make sound career decisions.
Job Test Based on research from the University of Toronto, the Job Quality Test is designed to assess the quality of your employment.
Author Test Based on the distinctions between intuitive and methodical writers; plotters and pantsers, the Author Type Test will determine what kind of author you are.
Unicorn Test Based on interviews with over 30,000 employees, the Employee Unicorn Test will determine whether you share traits with highly valuable workers.
Culture Test The Organizational Culture Test will measure your firm or organization's culture using 10 different scales.
Founder Test The Founder Mode Test will determine whether you have a mindset focused on rapid problem-solving and resourceful execution.